Why should read more as an entrepreneur
Tuesday, December 21, 2021
People who donu2019t read miss out on a lot of great information. / Net photo.

Have you ever heard some people speak or express themselves and you’re wowed by how knowledgeable they’re? Sometimes, they’re not even so educated but the secret is in reading. 

There is something great business leaders have in common, and that’s the power of reading. They yearn to be informed and improve themselves, hence sparing some of their time to access books and read them. 

When they equip themselves with knowledge, the better they can perform and improve their businesses. 

Imagine a person telling their story of starting a business from scratch and highlighting the challenges they encountered and how they overcame.  All the lessons they learned in over 10 years are jotted down in a book that you can actually read and learn from.

Once you apply the wisdom picked from the book, there is a possibility that your business may not for instance suffer losses because you’re tipped on how to operate a business successfully. 

People who don’t read miss out on a lot of great information. The beauty about reading books is that they can equip you with skills in all areas, such as sales, marketing, finance and operations among others. 

Most business people fear failing, not knowing that you can turn your failure into success, but how can you know that if you don’t know how others managed to do so? 

Allow me to recommend a book that will assist you in growing from your mistakes. It is dubbed, "The Successful Mistake” by Matthew Turner. In this book, the author interviews 163 business people and stresses how you can bounce back from mistakes faster and stronger than even the people you admire, did. 

Books can assist you in storing up information that if a crisis or problem occurs to your company in the future, at least you have an idea of how to overcome it. You need to be prepared for a crisis before it even appears. Try reading "Crisis Management” by Steven Fink. It’s full of knowledge and I am sure you will never regret reading it.

There is no doubt that books are a source of inspiration, you can learn from people’s strengths and weaknesses and start even emulating them. 

Please check out "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen Covey, a book that points out how people can improve their personal and professional lives through increased efficiency and focus. Once you get time to read the book, you will be able to understand how leaders in small businesses and large organisations continue to build successful businesses even through hardships, with hard work and focus.

For business owners who want to change their lives for good, you can check out "The Hard Thing About Hard Things”, a book written by Ben Horowitz. It is an inspirational and practical discussion of what it means to be an entrepreneur. In case you need to gain a competitive limit when you need help with the decision making process in tough situations, look no further. 

Reading expands one’s understanding and allows you to express yourself to people around you, such as your employer, colleagues and clients in a more articulate manner. If you’re struggling with confidence, a few books can assist in boosting it, and sell yourself in business. 

In her book "Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway” (How to Turn Your Fear and Indecision into Confidence and Action), Susan Jeffers offers insight and tools to improve your ability to handle any given situation whether you’re scared  of public speaking, asserting yourself, making decisions or fear believing in yourself.

But also, author Gillian Butler in her book, "Overcoming Social Anxiety & Shyness”, she writes about an easy-to-use guide, with real-life examples, for people who suffer from all degrees of social anxiety and shyness and sets out experimental methods of resolving it. 

Whatever business questions you have, there is an answer in a book somewhere.