What is your idea of fun?
Thursday, December 16, 2021

We hear the word ‘fun’ many times but what is the definition of having fun? Do all people have fun the same way, or consider the same things fun?

The Oxford English Dictionary defines fun as "amusement, especially lively or playful”. As an adjective, the word is described as "amusing, entertaining, or enjoyable.” 

Fun is relative, for example, some people find horror movies fun, and another may wonder how so. Another may like to read for fun which someone else might find boring. 

According to Michael Rucker, in an article that talks about whether fun is universal or not, someone’s perception of whether something is fun can depend on one’s mind-set, ability, and skills, the environment as well as those around them. 

For example, taking public transportation is usually not very enjoyable if you are heading to work, however, if you’re headed to a concert with a group of friends, it can be the most enjoyable ride—spending time together, and chatting.

Going to a football game or any other sporting event, partying with friends, or attending a concert might not be your idea of having fun. So how can you have your ultimate fun?

• Self-awareness: Stop comparing yourself to others. Start being attentive to yourself and ask yourself questions like what would you rather do? If you don’t succeed in convincing everybody else to join you in your idea of fun, ask yourself if it is something you would still do even if you were all alone. If the answer is yes, don’t you dare give up on it!

• Don’t be fooled by social media: Everyone seems to be having so much fun on social media! Everybody is living their best life, right? Well, it is not true. Don’t be pressured, rest assured that it does not have to be very expensive to be fun. If you can’t afford it for the moment use the means you have at hand to enjoy your life rather than being sad about it.

• Go for adventure: Remain in the habit of trying new things. As much as fun is relative, the adrenaline release we feel when we are thrilled by adventure is a not-to-pass feeling for anyone. Also exploring new parameters help you to learn more about what makes you have fun or not. What are your talents/hobbies? For some of us, our talents and hobbies get wasted because we are lost in the everyday buzz that we end up ignoring them. We outgrow them, we stop nurturing them and getting better at it and so we constantly feel the void of what we should be doing. Good news: It is never too late to go back!

• Don’t stress about what others think: What will others think, what will they say? Well, care less about that. You probably do not have any idea about what they’re thinking, so adjusting your behaviour, your happiness, and your choices to any negative supposition makes no sense. And if you are sure they are talking negatively, maybe you want to learn why; but you can also just do you!

Now set time for having fun. As weird and unnecessary as it may sound, it’s a great idea to set aside some fun time in your schedule. Loosen up a little bit, enjoy your life, and have fun despite the hardships.