Why you should brush your teeth before bedtime
Sunday, November 28, 2021
Going to bed without brushing your teeth can cause dental caries. Photo/ net.

Many of us know that we should brush our teeth at least twice daily. However, we tend to prioritise brushing during the day and forget about night time.

Health experts on the other hand encourage making it a habit to brush our teeth before going to bed.

According to Rosette Uwimbabazi, a dentist at Inkuru Nziza orthopedic hospital, going to bed without brushing your teeth means teeth will be covered in bacteria the entire night. 

Bacteria digest food remnants on teeth and under the gums. This might result into different illnesses as well as other life hazards. Going to bed without brushing your teeth can also cause dental caries, tooth decay and other gum diseases.

"When bacteria digest the food remnants on teeth and under the gums, the by-product is acid production which damages tooth enamel and leads to cavities. Saliva helps protect your teeth from damaging acids during the day. However, when sleeping, your body produces less saliva causing your mouth to become dry. A dry mouth increases your risk of cavities especially when you go to bed without brushing,” she says.

Uwimbabazi hence says that brushing your teeth before bedtime helps remove bacteria and plaque in your mouth, eliminating any damage done by limited saliva production.

"If you maintain a brushing practice every night, it prevents the build-up of plaque in the long run. Plaque is the yellow substance that settles in your teeth and makes them look dirty. It can also lead to various other dental issues if not dealt with in a timely manner. Hence, brushing at night can save you many expensive dental visits in the long run,’’ she says.

She advises people to brush their teeth at least twice a day and if possible three times, reduce sugar intake, do regular dental check-up at least two times a year, and maintain a proper brushing technique by using fluoridated toothpaste.

"Just as it is with when you brush, how you brush matters. Make sure you are using a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste. Brush all surfaces of your teeth (including your tongue) for a total of two minutes or more. Follow up your brushing session with floss and rinse with mouthwash if you want to go the extra mile for your smile or breath,’’ she explains.

She also highlights that brushing before bedtime reduces or regulates what is referred to as "morning breath” which is due to foul odour produced by the bacteria. Cleaning your mouth before sleeping makes it less likely to have morning breath.

Uwimbabazi also advises people who practice activities like smoking and have much coffee intake to reduce them as it is not good for their teeth and mouth breath.

She notes that brushing before bedtime is a crucial aspect for all people including children.

"Anyone who can eat should practice dental hygiene, even young children or breastfeeding babies should be kept clean, with a good cloth or cotton, ‘’ she says.