What is causing my constant headaches?
Sunday, November 28, 2021


I have been dealing with regular headaches and I don’t know what’s causing them because I take a lot of water and get enough rest. I however spend a lot of hours working on my laptop. Could this be the cause, or is it something else causing the headaches?



What is your age? For how long have you had these headaches, what is the frequency and which part of the head is affected? 

Eye strain does occur after working on the computer for long hours continuously. The problem is augmented by working in a dimly lit room. This eye strain is manifested by pain over the eyes and forehead, with or without visual problems like blurred vision. These may be associated eye itching, redness, discharge, etc. 

To avoid this problem, it is advisable to avoid working on computer for a long time continuously. After working for an hour or two on the computer, one should take a break for 15 -20 minutes, move out in open space and try to focus your gaze on some faraway object. Another option is to close the eyes and cover them with both hands, for a short time to relax them. Same thing applies to use of mobile phones. Watching a mobile phone screen for a long time continuously also causes eye strain and associated headache.  

Hence one should also avoid being glued to mobile screen for a long time. While using a computer, it should be ensured that there is enough light. The light should fall on the screen and not behind it.

Healthy food with abundance of vitamins A, B.complex, helps to strengthen the eye muscles thus reducing the risk of eye strain.

Recurrent cold can cause congestion and inflammation of the air sinuses in the skull, resulting in headache. The pain occurs over the site of inflamed air sinuses. It is usually more in the morning and is aggravated by looking down. There may be associated fever, nausea and or vomiting with pain. This condition (chronic sinusitis), is easily diagnosed by clinical history, physical examination and imaging techniques like X-ray, C.T scan of the brain. It is curable by suitable antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medicines.

Brain tumours are one of the sinister medical problems causing headaches. But here the headache is localised over site of tumour and increases progressively in severity. There may be other associated symptoms like vomiting, photophobia, giddiness, paralysis of one or more body parts, etc. It is diagnosed by C.T. brain scan and is curable in early stages. Infections of the brain substance and or its coverings, is yet another serious cause for headache. However along with headaches, one will have fever, neck stiffness, vomiting, one or more of these symptoms as well. Diagnosis is made by clinical features and relevant investigations. These infections are curable.

Headaches are one of the manifestations of mental stress as well. Stress as a cause for headache is established after ruling out any pathological condition by suitable investigations. Relief is obtained by relaxation techniques.

Dr Rachna Pande is a specialist in internal medicine