Habits that are secretly ruining your nails
Thursday, November 11, 2021
Try not to wear nail polish for one to two weeks or longer. This will allow your nails time to repair. Photo/Net

Neat nails are appealing to the eyes, and complement one’s overall look. With all the nail polish colour options, you’re spoilt for choice if painting your nails is something you like to do. But some everyday habits may damage your nails, and here are some:  


According to Iddi Nuwagaba, a manicure and pedicure expert at Inshungu Hair Salon in Gisementi, biting nails is not just something kids do, adults do it too and it is a bad habit. 

Nail-biting can bring ridges and bumps on your nails overtime, making you prone to infections and sores on the skin around the nails. "It can even change the way your nails look and grow. To avoid this, try applying nail varnish as it will make it hard to bite them easily,” he suggests. 

Peeling nail polish off

Nuwagaba says that it’s easy for people to peel off their nail polish once it starts chipping, a thing that is dangerous since it goes with the first layer of the nails. 

"This leaves the nails weak. It’s better to stay with the chipped nails until you find a solution or nail polish remover and take it off in a better way,” Nuwagaba says. 

The gel effect

Nuwagaba says that many people prefer applying gel since it lasts long, which perhaps reduces the number of times they have to go to the salon. However, the process of removing gel is a little harsh because a metal is used to clear off the polish, which can affect the nail bed. 

The manicurist says that using polish for long without rest spoils the nails and leaves white spots once the varnish is removed. He recommends leaving the nails to breathe once in a while. 

You may wonder how long to leave your nails free—experts say that for natural nails, a three-to-four-week break is sufficient to allow discoloration to fade. As for gel, take a break for a week at least once every eight weeks to allow the nails to rehydrate and to repair the underlying structures.

Using nails like tools

Nuwagaba also says that some people are fast to use nails to peel off stickers or anything stuck somewhere, a thing that can break the nails. He urges getting the proper tools to do the work rather than using your nails to do what they are not supposed to do.

Pulling tight trousers up with nails 

"Some clients come for manicures and I notice that their nails are broken from the middle, which is even painful. What causes this is that when you’re wearing tight trousers, you try so hard to pull them up to fit well, in the process, it’s the nails that suffer. Nails that are broken from the middle even take longer to grow,” Nuwagaba says. 

Using detergent 

The manicurist says that using washing detergent often can reduce the life span of your nail varnish. But you can look for alternative means such as gloves in case you’re cleaning or washing the dishes with detergent. 

Lack of moisturiser

Nuwagaba says that hands and nails look healthy if you apply lotion. "Make sure after washing your hands with soap, you have a lotion to apply gently after wiping them dry. If you apply a moisturiser more often, it will create a protective barrier against irritations and dehydration.”

Eating junk

Experts say that junk food not only damages your health, it also attacks the health of your nails, hair, and skin.