World Cup qualifiers: Amavubi's slump continues as Mali extends lead in Group E
Thursday, November 11, 2021
Mali inflicted the heaviest defeat, 3-0, on Amavubi in the 2022 Qatar World Cup qualifiers. Rwanda played with a man down after Djihad Bizimana was sent off very early in the game at Kigali Stadium.

The Amavubi quest to get a face-saving win against the Eagles of Mali in the 2022 World Cup qualifiers failed to materialize as the West African nation recorded a 3-0 away win.

One of the key moments before the game was when Rwandan skipper Haruna Niyonzima, who had played 104 games for his nation, received a special award as he joins the noble "century club" of players who boast of 100 caps and more in national team jersey

The game started brightly at Kigali Stadium in Nyamirambo with each of the teams making incursions in the half of the opponent.

Just as the Amavunbi were exerting their authority on the game, holding midfielder Djihad Bizimana was given his sending off orders for a cynical challenge as the visitors took control of the game.

Rwanda's midfield became porous with a man down and skipper Niyonzoma had to be restricted from moving further up since he was the only player protecting the back four.

The Malians took the lead in the 19th minute through Southampton winger Moussa Djenepo and within the next minute striker Ibrahima Kone added the second with the Amavubi back-line of Dennis Rukondo, Emmanuel Imanishimwe, Thierry Manzi and Salomon Nirisirake in total disarray.

Coach Vincent Mashami altered his formation by packing the midfield to combat the more aggressive Malians as he left Ernest Sugira upfront as the lone ranger but the attacker posed no threat as the visitors defenders policed him.

The first half ended with Mali in command with a 2-0 lead, a noticeably better ball possession.

After recess, Mali head coach Mohammed Magassouba decided to push more forward as they intended to kill the game with a third goal but the Rwandan defenders deployed a man marking approach as they left no space for their counterparts to exploit.

With just two minutes to time, substitute Kalifa Coulibally scored the third goal for Mali as Rwanda were condemned to another home defeat in Group E.

The Malians are firmly on top of the group with 13 points and are through to the next third and final round of qualifiers with a match to spare.

Rwanda who are last in the standings will travel to Nairobi to face Kenya on Monday, November 15.