What are the top cyber security threats in Rwanda?
Sunday, November 07, 2021

Tech and cyber security experts say that the most prevalent cybercrimes in the country involve online scams ranging from phishing, vishing and smishing adding that there is need for increased awareness.

Phishing involves the fraudulent practice of sending emails purporting to be from reputable companies in order to induce individuals to reveal personal information, such as passwords and credit card numbers.

Vishing is making phone calls claiming to be from reputable companies in order to induce individuals to reveal personal information, such as bank details and credit card numbers while smishing involves using text messages.

Assane Gueye a professor at Carnegie Mellon University Africa said that studies and analysis show that such vulnerabilities often lead to digital extortion and online scams for many unsuspecting internet users.

Speaking at a recent cyber security meetup of tech enthusiasts, Gueye said that other vulnerabilities result from compromised networks, lack of adequate information as well as installation of pirated software.

At the meet up organized by Broadcasters of Information Communication and technology and Broadband Systems Corporation, the university don noted that among ways to tame the weaknesses include conducting vulnerability assessments to access weaknesses as well as developing technology solutions tailored to the local context.

He also noted the need for generation of intelligence of the vice as well as raising awareness to educate the general public.

Maurice Kajangwe, Senior Cyber Security Engineer in the Ministry of ICT and Innovation called on members of the public to report any incidents to the Rwanda Investigation Bureau or the National Cyber Security Authority for action and follow up.

He said that a majority of cases and issues probably go unreported further calling on members of the public to share any available information which would serve to improve preparedness.

Rwanda’s National Cyber Security Authority (NCSA) earlier this year noted that with the increased uptake and usage of online services, including digital payments, there has been an increased exposure to online cyber threats.

The normalization of remote working is also expected to further exert pressure on organisational IT systems under pressure as companies now must contend with an influx in connections into the corporate back-end.