What is hindering your success?
Thursday, November 04, 2021

You probably envision how far you would want to go in your career, relationship, parenthood, ministry and so forth, and make sure that your long awaited plans are accomplished. Maybe you have even, on many occasions, fantasised how people in your circles will celebrate your win. The five year’s plan is now way past you and you keep postponing, what could have gone wrong? Sometimes success is averted due to a number of factors;

Playing perfectionism

Although some people believe that perfectionism is good, on the contrary, it isn’t positive at all. Such people are happy if they perfectly accomplish a taskb ut blame themselves when they fail. If you’re the perfectionist type, chances are, you’re driven by extreme fear of failure. As a result, you even fear taking risks, for example, searching for a job, starting your business or giving a chance to love because you never want to fail. Such a mindset kills creativity. Think of how many people have failed  various times but learned from their mistakes and are now even successful. There is absolutely no point in showing people that you’re always good at everything, 

Waiting for people to inspire you 

Do you ever sit back or procrastinate with hopes that someone will walk straight to you and encourage you on how to work smart, plan, make money, save and start bigger projects? What happens if you never get that inspiration? Sometimes all it takes is a leap of faith on yourself that you can do it anyway. If others have done it, then you’re not any different from them. Start pushing yourself for greater opportunities and you will be surprised by how much you can do. 

Worry about what people think about you

We, most times, get lost in what people think about us because we want to be written in their good books. If you think twice, you will notice that people are busy minding their own business. Even when a few could spare a minute to check you out, there are those that are on your side waiting on to cheer you.

Comparing yourself to others

One thing that is true for sure is that there will always be someone that is better or smarter than you, more beautiful, more committed, more experienced, more educated, et cetera. But the good news is that everyone is unique in their own way. When we look at our weakness, we fail to value our uniqueness and instead focus on what others have that we don’t have. In the long run, we are discouraged and thus pause our race. People may have opinions about your life, but you know yourself better and what works best for you. 

Lack of purpose 

Imagine having no morale to wake up every morning, as others wake up and plan their days at the sound of the alarm, you have nothing to pursue to keep you inspired to leave your bed. A lack of purpose means a lack of goals. With this, there is no path to an imaginary final destination. Lack of focus only keeps an individual from growing. 

Too many expectations

It’s good to have expectations, but when they are a bit higher, it may ruin your life if things don’t go as predicted. Just because you deserve something doesn’t mean you will get it on a silver plate. Hard work is needed in everything you want to have or accomplish. Reaching  your goals requires taking actions, knowing the steps and finding solutions to the challenges.