How to get rid of chapped lips
Sunday, October 10, 2021
Pay attention to your lips. If they start to feel dry or itchy, apply a lip balm as soon as possible. Photo/ net.

Chapped lips are normally dry, sometimes one is  tempted to lick them to get rid of the dryness, which instead worsens the condition.

Chapped lips are typically caused by saliva when  licking them, spicy foods, cold, and dry weather. However, they can also be associated with certain health conditions. Such lips are usually dry, chip, have sores, swell, crack, or even bleed, according to experts.

Healthline states that lips don’t contain oil glands like other parts of the skin, which means they're more prone to drying out and becoming cracked. Lack of moisture can make the problem worse, whether it’s weather-induced or related to lack of self-care. Little humidity in the air during coldmonths is known to cause chapped lips. Frequent sun exposure in the summer can also worsen your condition.

"Taking certain medications can also increase your risk of developing chapped lips. Medications and supplements that can cause chapped lips include, vitamin A, retinoids (Retin-A, Differin), lithium (commonly used to treat bipolar disorder) and chemotherapy drugs.”

Dieudonne Bukaba, a nutritionist in Kigali, states that deficiencies in numerous nutrients, including iron, zinc, and B vitamins, can cause chapped lips. But also dehydration (a condition caused by the loss of too much fluid from the body.) or malnutrition (a serious condition that happens when your diet does not contain the right amount of nutrients.)

Bukaba says that if you think you have a nutritional deficiency, talk to your healthcare provider to determine the best treatment option.  For those lacking some food nutrients, he advises considering making simple dietary changes and eating more foods rich in iron, zinc, or B vitamins. However, others may need a multivitamin or supplement to meet their needs.

He also carries on that protein-rich foods, including fish, poultry, beans and peanut butter, provide good amounts of niacin -a B-vitamin that helps to prevent skin disorders linked with sun exposure.

For Annick Umutibagirana, a skincare and hair expert, some of the top hydrating and healing ingredients for dry lips are beeswax, which can be used from head to toe. It is a protective layer on the skin and lips. It’s also a humectant, therefore, it attracts water, leaving your lips healthy.

She also adds that shea butter is an incredible calming ingredient that you can apply on your lips since it has the ability to form a barrier on the lips and help preserve moisture in the skin, thus leaving your lips feeling lithe and smooth.

Umutibagirana adds that moringa oil has some effective results to the skin and lips, it has anti-aging properties that filter the skin giving it a natural glow. In skincare, makeup and beauty, it can be used.

She also adds that if you apply lip balm with moringa oil, it infiltrates the sensitive skin of the lips, thus moisturizing and healing.Alternatively, she urges using petroleum jelly on your lips, as it is cheap and yet smooth on the lips. She discourages licking lips before applying it because it might worsen the situation.

The American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) recommends using white petroleum jelly throughout the day and before bed to moisturize and soothe dry, cracked lips. Petroleum jelly seals in water longer than oils and waxes. It's also inexpensive and easy to find online and in drugstores.

According to Umutibagirana, for prevention, avoid licking your lips. People sometimes lick their lips to reduce the feeling of dry lips, but saliva actually worsens the situation. Pay attention to your lips. If they start to feel dry or itchy, apply a lip balm as soon as possible.

"If you have sensitive skin, try to avoid spicy foods, which can irritate the lips,” she says.