Fitness: How to start work-out routine and stick to it
Sunday, October 03, 2021
Your first step on the lifelong path to healthy physical activity is to identify what works for you. Photos/Net

Are you the kind of person who makes a resolution every year to start exercising but never sees it through? Wellness experts say that there is always a way to stick to the plan, as long as one is determined.

Nelson Mukasa, the founder of Children & Youth Sports Organization and a fitness trainer during Kigali Car Free Day sports, says among the many reasons why people find it hard to exercise regularly, is lack of time.

However, he says that it’s important to put into consideration that everyone has a tight schedule, what matters is creating the time.

"When people hear about creating time for exercise, they think one needs a lot of it. As little as 10 minutes of exercise can be beneficial, the most important thing is looking at your schedule to see where they might fit,” he says.

Dr Joseph Mucumbitsi, a cardiologist and the president of Rwanda Heart Foundation, says physical activity is important for people to adopt because of the health benefits it comes with.

For instance, he says, when one embraces physical activity, it reduces risk of chronic disease, improves balance and coordination, helps one lose weight, and improves sleep habits, in addition to boosting self-esteem.

Studies recommend that adults should get 150 minutes (2.5 hours) of moderate-intensity physical activity per week. There are many ways to divide up those 150 minutes over the course of a week, but most experts recommend breaking up that time into 30 minutes of physical activity, five days per week.

Dr Mucumbitsi says when it comes to exercise, one can go for what they like or find comfortable, and that could be anything from walking, swimming to dancing.

"It is important to know that to start exercising, one has to be willing to make a lifestyle change, and everything starts from there,” he says.

Dr Mucumbitsi adds that the goal is to strive to do 30 minutes of exercise in a single day, which is not hard as long as you understand what is good for you.

Meanwhile, he says, for beginners, it’s recommended that they start with 20 minutes of exercise a day and do this three days a week. From there, one can increase the duration of their exercise so that they reach 30 minutes a day, three days a week. Once this is accomplished, adding more days of exercise with time is essential.  

Getting started

Sandrine Twagiramariya, a professional fitness trainer in Kigali, says beginners should start slowly and build up gradually. Also, give yourself some time to warm up and cool down with easy walking or gentle stretching.

To speed up the pace, she says, continue for five to 10 minutes without getting overly tired, as it helps to improve stamina.

Twagiramariya says while trying to establish a regular exercise routine, it’s important to always listen to your body and if you feel uncomfortable, it’s important to take a break. 

It’s also important to be flexible as it comes with positive effects on the body, such as improving mobility and posture, among other benefits. Setting a specific exercise goal, such as walking or running, can help when it comes to improving your time, and keeping you motivated.

Mukasa says to stick to a regular exercise routine, and, getting a partner or friend whom you can do it with is great. It’s likely that one will not miss out on exercise when they have someone to do it with.

Having fitness goals is something Twagiramariya believes in, as it will help one stay focused and motivated at the same time. 

 Also, experts say it’s also important to create a balanced routine, including getting at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity a week, or a combination of moderate and vigorous activity.

It’s believed that even small amounts of physical activity are helpful, what matters is being active all the time as it eventually adds up to provide massive health benefits.