Organisation is key for effective online meetings
Tuesday, August 17, 2021
Lack of organisation makes virtual meetings less effective compared to in-person ones. / Net photo.

At a time when physical meetings have been disrupted by the Covid-19 pandemic, online connection and zoom meetings have been one of the best replacements. 

Naturally, the approach to remote meetings is quite different from the regular in-person meetings; so people respond and interact in unique ways. And since remote meetings aren’t ideal for all situations, it is vital to know when and how to leverage this technology.

Virtual team meetings encourage explicit communication and better interactions. When everyone’s square on the screen, people quickly learn to communicate directly to the person they need to and whenever they need to without having to go to their office physically. 

But this isn’t always the case. The first challenge of online meetings is having everyone focused and engaged. Unlike physical meetings, virtual ones tend not to pressure participants into staying focused and attentive. 

Rehema Ingabire, a student says that according to her experience, it is very boring to have online meetings unless it has a specific schedule. This lack of organisation makes them less effective compared to in-person meetings.

There is need, as an organiser, to prepare virtual meetings with a clear objective and strategy. Bear in mind who should attend, points of discussion, and the duration of the meeting. Having this planned out sets pace for an effective online meeting.

A lot of meetings can be really stressful. Which is why, employers or managers should fix specific times for online meetings and otherwise use means of communication like emails, says Ingabire.

Organising and planning ahead allows for the meeting’s organiser to prepare adequately both for the meeting itself and for any technical challenges that may occur.

Ariane Douce Nishimwe, Regional Director, Miss Career Africa says there is need to consider the realities of virtual connections.

Be it online classes or meetings, everything that is online without that physical interaction and connection, when done for a long time, it tends to become less effective in a way. 

"Some employees tend to join online meetings just for the sake of joining, but they should have to do it whole heartedly since performance evaluations will be done at the end of the day,” she says.