Rwanda’s 2T Reggae Man to perform at Zanzibar Reggae Festival
Wednesday, August 04, 2021
Felicien Ntakirutimana, a.k.a 2T Reggae Man. / Courtesy photo.

Felicien Ntakirutimana, a.k.a 2T Reggae Man is one of the artistes who will be performing at a Reggae festival that will take place at a beach in Zanzibar Dubbed ‘Zanzibar Reggae Festival’, the two-day event will take place on August 6-7.

The festival’s aim is to bring Reggae music back to its original roots, like when it started out in Jamaica over 50 years ago, and to bring international artists together so as to re-deliver the powerful and important message of love and unity for all of humankind.

Speaking to this publication, 2T Reggae Man, expressed his gratitude as the first Rwandan to perform at this festival saying, "It's a pleasure, a blessing and a dream that came true since I started this journey of music as a Reggae artist with the main vision of preaching peace and love worldwide especially to the young generation.”

The ‘Preach Peace & Love’ and ‘Fasha’ hit maker said that he organized a Peace and Love Tour in Rwanda but only managed to do half of it due to lack of sponsorship but he plans to keep on. He performed in Burundi, Uganda, Kenya and will now perform in Tanzania-Zanzibar.

Jodie Condell, the Official Co-Director of ‘The Zanzibar Reggae Festival’ told The New Times in an exclusive interview, that this festival combines various international and local culture and history, as well as artists to perform at Stone Town’s historical Old Fort in a way of expressing and appreciating diversity.

She also explained how the festival participants join them in pre-festival activities, like the beach clean-up and tree planting which has so far has been well received by both Government institutions and local communities. The very first Zanzibar Reggae Festival took place in 2018, and the second edition in 2019 but unfortunately due to the Covid-19 pandemic it didn’t happen in 2020 which is why the third edition is happening this year 2021.

Jodie also explained that since Tanzania has received some backlash for its management and governing of the pandemic that the reggae festival is in full support of their governing regulations which include precautionary measures and health screening on entry.

There are precautionary measures in place on arrival and if one possesses a negative Covid-19 test that would be great, though it is not a must and wearing a mask is not required to enter the country or cross-borders.

"Wearing a mask is mandatory. We are providing all of our artistes with up-to-date information related to Covid and our staff will also partake in a health and safety briefing prior to the festival, as well as being provided with face masks for use during the event. We will provide hand sanitizers upon entry to the festival. The grounds are large open-air outdoor grounds and there is ample space for people to distance themselves and not be crowded,” she said.

Organizers invite artistes from all over the globe for the festival, with the belief that all performers have something to give, an energy and a presence since the Reggae community is one of love and unity and deeply rooted connection. 

Jodie further explained why 2T Reggae Man was chosen among the performers for this year’s edition.

"Reggae music as a voice where an artiste expresses love, unity and humanity, which is way we don’t believe in competitions. Instead, artistes like 2T Reggae Man proved that they are so eligible and gravitated towards our direction and his energy merged with ours, intertwined now with all the performers and crew in what we are promoting as the third edition of Zanzibar Reggae Festival,” Jodie told The New Times.

She added: "So far we haven’t met him yet, but we are so impressed by the way he is a life energy force, he is one of those people who radiate the beauty of life through their being in very rare and unique character. His music captured our attention since it conveys exciting and magic connection for the love of Reggae. He is a real Rastafarian.”