Rwandan peacekeepers in CAR get UN medals
Saturday, July 17, 2021

Rwandan peacekeepers (Rwanda Battle Group III and Rwanda Medical Contingent VI) serving under the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA) were on Friday, July 16, decorated with UN medals in recognition of their contribution to maintaining peace and stability during almost one year tour of duty in Central African Republic, Sector East, Bria.

Bria is the capital of Haute-Kotto, one of the 14 prefectures in the far east of the Central African Republic. 

Apart from Rwanda BattleGroup III, a mechanised infantry unit under MINUSCA, Bria is also the main base of the Rwanda Medical Contingent VI and has Rwanda's level 2 hospital, one of the best such medical facilities under the UN mission in the country. 

Presiding over the ceremony held at Bria, MINUSCA Force Commander, Lt Gen Daniel Sidiki Traoré thanked Rwandan peacekeepers for their effort in bringing back peace in CAR as well as providing medical support to MINUSCA. 

"You are awarded medals because you deserve them. Rwanda Battle group has done an outstanding job in peacekeeping as well as providing medical services to peacekeepers and the public during their tour of duty," he said. 

The Rwanda Medical Contingent VI Commander, Col Prof Alex Butera said both contingents (RWA BG III & RWA MED VI) operated in a very tense environment since their arrival in the mission area, with the escalation of activities by armed groups. 

"However, we managed to carry out our role of ensuring sustainable Health protection of forces as well as protecting civilians in conflict zones," Butera said.

Locals as well as UN officials in the country in the recent past told The New Times that Rwandan peacekeepers serve exemplary.

Rwanda maintains two Infantry Battalions, a Mechanized Battle Group and a Level II Hospital in support of peacekeeping operations in CAR.