Effective ways to work from home
Tuesday, July 06, 2021

Based on the new guidelines from the office of the prime minister, private and public workers were last week asked to work from home, as a way to curb the Covid-19 surge.

Working from home can be challenging. Even though it can get too comfortable since there is no morning rush, or stress of preparing what to wear, morning jam, or lining up for a bus, it can feel like you’re always at work if you have assignments to work on, this can be exhausting, at the same time stressful.

If you’re not an essential worker and don’t know how to work productively from home, these are some few steps to assist you. 

Set healthy boundaries 

There is no doubt that working from home will exceed one’s working hours. A study conducted by a group of data scientists found that employees worked an average of four or more hours a week. Now that your commute to the office might mean a walk from your bedroom to the kitchen table, it’s more important than ever to focus on time management. 

According to Forbes, to maintain a healthy work-life balance, create a schedule and end your workday at a specific time each day. Turn your computer off and disable work notifications on your cell phone so you can focus on personal time. You might even consider including your work hours in your email signature so clients and colleagues know when it’s appropriate to contact you.

Maintain a schedule 

For Immaculate Niyonsaba, an IT expert who also works from home, setting an alarm at a specific time every single day, and respecting it will enable you freshen up and feel ready for work.

For her, you can actually decide to use about one hour for other activities before you settle down for work, and some of these could be, yoga, or any workout, catch news, lay your bed, and have a devotion moment, among others. Once you’re done, take breakfast and start real business.

She notes that you can make a timetable of the things to do on a daily basis, for instance, schedules and online meetings and make it a point to keep time. Make the most of and benefit from technology, and consider how you can keep up your momentum.  

The IT expert explains that you should spare a few minutes to stand up and stretch and mostly take breaks in between work to freshen your mind and to avoid straining yourself. 

Establish a dedicated workspace

Ronald Ntwali, an employee in an agro-firm states that setting up a working area either in the living room corner or bedroom is essential as it is where you place your working table and computer, which sets a boundary for others you stay with to respect your mini office. 

"While in your office, it’s a signal for the people you stay with not to disturb or distract you, you’re required to only sit there while working,” he says.

Stay off social media 

He explains that social media is another distraction that can lead to late work submissions and missed deadlines. To him, once one leaves their data on and keeps checking their notifications, it’s hard to focus on work, which is why he advises staying away from it or putting off notifications until you’re done with work. 

Ntwali states that you ought to focus on what you’ve accomplished at the end of each day to keep yourself motivated.

Avoid burnout

He also says that with excessive working without enough rest, a burnout may result. Burnout can manifest itself via physical or emotional changes. A burnout is a special type of work-related stress, it is a state of physical or emotional exhaustion that also involves a sense of reduced accomplishment and loss of personal identity. 

Utilise online trainings 

"There are also plenty of online learning sites that teach business soft skills, programming, software skills, and other courses. Remote companies often have a budget for learning and skills training, if your company doesn’t add you to that list of those expected to pursue the training, find means of utilising any online learning opportunities to better your skills,” Ntwali says. 

Limit distractions 

Working from home can be tempting as you would want to start household chores during work time or to turn on the TV to watch your favourite TV show. To overcome these potential distractions, try to allocate a certain time for completing housework and ensure that your workspace is clean and tidy, ahead of the working day.

Listen to music if you’re tired. Research from Harvard Medical School explains how listening to certain types of music at different times can boost your mood, reduce stress levels and enhance cognitive performance. Not only will you overcome a distraction, but you will discover a solution that boosts productivity instead.