When a date gets awkward
Thursday, July 01, 2021
First dates are often awkward, but the awkwardness is part of what makes them so exciting. Photo/ Net

Edmond and Claudette were classmates in high school. They met again when they were finalising their Bachelor’s degrees at different universities. They decided to exchange contacts to catch up later and talk about the good old times. 

Later that evening, Edmond called and they spoke for nearly an hour. They got carried away in conversation forgetting that they both had tight schedules the next day. 

Edmond then decided to ask her out and she was open to it. He chose a decent place and she liked it. 

They were given the menu and they both ordered. Claudette, assuming Edmond would pay, decided to order for expensive drinks and food.  Edmond, on the other hand, then had to be careful with his order as the bill grew by the minute. Claudette, completely unmindful of Edmond’s discomfort, even ordered for food to-go. 

Later the bill was brought. Edmond picked it and nearly collapsed when he saw the amount to be paid. He couldn’t openly tell the girl the issue because his pride wouldn’t let him. A friend bailed him out. 

Whereas Edmond was a perfect gentleman, some women have told stories of men who ask to use the bathroom, then sneak out of the restaurant because they don’t want to pay a bill. But it doesn’t have to be like that. Here are a few things people should be mindful of: 

1. Communication is key

Edmond was too proud to tell the girl that he didn’t have enough money, however, hard as it may sound, communication is key. Just be honest from the start. 

2. Always have money on you

It doesn’t matter who asked the other out, always have some money on you just in case. 

3. If you are not paying, go easy on the menu

People tend to be unbothered about expenses when they are not the ones paying. But it is just basic courtesy, unless the person mentions that it is okay to order whatever you want. 

4. Take initiative 

Sometimes it might be hard for the one to mention that they are not doing well financially so offer assistance—for example with the bill— and let them be the ones to turn it down.  

5. It is okay to split it

Although in many cases men are expected to pay the bill, it is perfectly fine for a woman to pay too. Or at the very least, split it.