Why would Minicom recruit failed candidates?

I am a regular reader of your newspaper, and I want to react to a story published in your Sunday edition about the ministry of Commerce, Industry Investment promotion, Tourism and Cooperation (Minicom).

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

I am a regular reader of your newspaper, and I want to react to a story published in your Sunday edition about the ministry of Commerce, Industry Investment promotion, Tourism and Cooperation (Minicom).

Allow me to express my dissatisfaction over what the Ministry of commerce has done recently. How could they recruit failed candidates moreover to sensitive positions in the ministry?

A person with score 45 per cent to be put in any position is something that most of us would rarely agree with.

The government requires that for any candidate to be given a job, he/she must first of all have scored 70 per cent and above and how comes such a credible institution does the contrary.

It was not good for them and the country.

I commend what the ministry of Public Service, Skills Development and Labour (mifotra) is doing to unearth the truth behind the recruitment.

Indeed, the ministry of Labour should practice zero tolerance to technical know who in the recruitment processes of institutions.
