Ugandan national arrested in Kigali over defrauding investors
Friday, June 04, 2021
Suspect Conary Mugisha speaks to media as he was paraded by Rwanda Investigation Bureau in Kigali on June 4 . / Photo Dan Nsengiyumva

Rwanda Investigation Bureau (RIB) on Friday, June 4, paraded to the media a man suspected to have defrauded Gorah Metal Trading—a Dubai-based firm—which sought to buy gold from Rwanda.

To defraud Gorah Metal Trading, Mugisha Conary, a 33-year-old Ugandan national, posed as a Rwandan gold dealer.

In order to appear legitimate before his prey, according to RIB, Mugisha forged a number of Rwandan documents including the national identity card.

"I was working for a logistics company in Uganda called Unifreight and a gentleman approached me and asked me to help him scam a Dubai-based investor because I was experienced in clearing and shipping,” he told journalists at the Kigali Metropolitan Station where he was paraded.

They promised to pay him 30 per cent of the money they would collect, he narrated, saying he was given a forged ID and a certificate of registration from Rwanda Development Board (RDB), which he sent to the prospective "client” to prove they were a Rwandan-based firm selling gold.

Some of the forged documents of Mugisha. Photo Dan Nsengiyumva

After sending videos and documents showing that he is a Rwandan gold dealer, Goran Metal Trading sent him money to buy and ship the products.

In total, Mugisha received $116,000. He then travelled to Kigali, withdrew the money and travelled back to Uganda.

Gorah Metal Trading never heard from him again.

Following various failed attempts to reach him, Gorah Metal Trading sent one of its workers to Kigali to follow up.

According to RIB, the Gorah Metal Trading employee reported the case. RIB picked up the case. 

RIB declined to disclose details of how Mugisha was arrested.

Dr Thierry Murangira, says that Rwanda is on the watch and will not allow fraudsters to undermine its efforts to make the country an investment hub.

"Rwanda is one of the investment hubs in Africa, and that is what makes our government so keen on such offences,” he commented.

Any person, who, with fraudulent intention, produces a false written document, causes to write false statements or produces a conflicting declaration, is considered to commit the offence of forgery.

According to the penal code, upon conviction, he/she is liable to imprisonment for a term of not less than five years but not more than seven years and a fine of not less than Rwf3 million and not more than Rwf5 million or only one of these penalties.”