Relevance of understanding your personality type at the workplace
Tuesday, May 25, 2021
Understanding your personality helps you get along with others. / Net photo.

Personality type is defined as a collection of personality traits which are thought to occur together consistently, especially as determined by a certain pattern of responses to a personality inventory.

Some of these traits can include being helpful, reliable, and sociable, trusting among others.

At work, understanding your personality type is beneficial because it helps one not only to understand but also find their own preferences and for others as well.

Solange Uwamahoro, human resource personnel says in work spaces, the most important aspect is to be able to recognise how we lead, influence, communicate, and at the same time collaborate with others.

All these, she says can only happen if one is able to understand their personality type as an individual.

"From my understanding, I believe that when an individual knows and understands their personality well, it can help them work on their life in general.”

For instance, she notes that it’s easier for one to know where they belong and what they need to do to be successful.

This, however, she says doesn’t only apply at the workplace but also in other areas such as academics, relationships, finances, and life.

Aminadhabu Niyonshuti, an educator says when you are able to know your personality type, it in one way helps you get to learn and know other people well, be it at work or in other environments.

He points out that from many studies, it has been established that when one is in position to understand their personality type, it becomes easier to understand those around them and how they treat them as well.

"This can clear the doubts and misunderstanding on how you think and believe you are treated, instead, it gives you a broader perspective on how you can work and build on your relationship with such people and also adjusting in case there is need so that you get along well,” he says.

Emmanuella Mahoro, a psychologist and youth mentor cites that when you understand your personality, it is one way of getting to know your strengths and weakness at the same time, something she believes is essential as far as work is concerned.

From a psychological point of view, she explains that it’s vital to get into consideration that each and every one of us is unique in their own way, and for this, it’s essential for one to understand their strengths and weaknesses and learn how they can leverage them to achieve their goals.

"This can only happen when one understands their personality type which helps them unveil their strength and weaknesses. Besides, this also acts as a wheel for setting right targets in life which can guide you on fulfilling your dreams in life,” she says.

Uwamahoro says it’s also through understanding your personality type that helps one understand and identify things they like and what they don’t like, which is also an essential part of one’s life.

She explains that by doing this, it means that one is in position to know and only takes part in what interests them without being forced or pushed to. Socially, she says this too can be beneficial because one is able to identify things that interest them and therefore taking part in such things can improve the way they relate to other people.

Uwamahoro further notes that in any relationship including that of a colleague at work, when you identify your personality type, it aids you in making strong and long-lasting relationships.