How to get rid of a sore throat
Sunday, April 18, 2021
Although a sore throat can be uncomfortable, it will usually go away on its own. / Photo: Net

When your throat is aching, itching or irritating you, bear in mind that it could be a sign of a sore throat. 

This form of pain is not only uncomfortable but can also prevent one from getting a good night’s sleep. Normally, the pain gets worse when one tries to swallow food and even liquids.

What causes it? 

Medics say most sore throats are caused by infections or by environmental factors like dry air. Although a sore throat can be uncomfortable, it will usually go away on its own.

Janvier Rusizana, a general practitioner at La Nouvelle Clinic, Kigali says bacterial infections can cause sore throats, with the most common one being strep throat- an infection of the throat and tonsils caused by group A Streptococcus bacteria.

Warm liquids can relieve a sore throat. 

Strep throat causes nearly 40 percent of sore throat cases in children.

Tonsillitis and sexually transmitted infections like gonorrhoea and Chlamydia can also cause a sore throat.

Rusizana notes that allergies too can bring about a sore throat, explaining that when the immune system reacts to allergy triggers like pollen, grass, and pet dander; it releases chemicals that cause symptoms like nasal congestion, watery eyes, sneezing, and throat irritation.

Excess mucus in the nose is another cause, for it can drip down the back of the throat. This is called postnasal drip and can irritate the throat.

The medic also says that it’s important to note that Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) can also bring about a sore throat. GERD is a digestive system disorder in which stomach acids back up in the food pipe (oesophagus).

He adds that this can come with other signs or symptoms including heartburn, hoarseness, and regurgitation of stomach contents and the sensation of a lump in your throat.

Also, he goes on to note that dry air is something to watch out for as it causes sore throat.

"Dry air can suck moisture from the mouth and throat, and leave them feeling dry and scratchy. The air is most likely dry in the cold months,” he says.

To prevent a sore throat, Dr Rusizana says the best way is to avoid germs that cause them and practice and maintain good hygiene.

"This can be achieved by washing hands thoroughly and frequently, especially after using the toilet, before eating, and after sneezing or coughing. This can keep you off from sore throat,” he adds.

Still, on hygiene, he says one should as well avoid sharing food, drinking glasses, or utensils.

Home remedies for a sore throat 

Francis Kazungu, a general practitioner in Kigali says most of the sore throat cases can be managed at home. For instance one can do this by getting enough rest to help and give the immune system a chance to fight the infection.

To relieve the pain from a sore throat, he says one can try gargling warm water with a mixture of 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of salt.

"Warm water and salt can help soothe a sore throat and break down secretions. It’s also known to help kill bacteria in the throat. Gargle water can also help reduce swelling and keep the throat clean, this is recommended at least after every three hours or so,” he says.

Besides, Kazungu says one can as well drink warm liquids that feel soothing to the throat, such as hot tea with honey, soup broth, or warm water with lemon. Herbal teas are especially soothing to a sore throat.

One can also try to cool the throat by eating something cold like ice cream or cubes.