Pet hygiene; how often should you bathe your dog?
Thursday, February 25, 2021
You can wash your dog as frequently as every other week (with gentle shampoo). / Photos: Net

If you are not into pets, then you might not understand the unique connection between them and their owners. For example, dogs are said to be unique, compared to other pets. They are known for their loyalty, companionship, the way they boost people’s moods, increase happiness, and so forth. Scientists established that dogs love us back the same way we love them. 

Some people don’t comprehend why humans share a sofa or bed with dogs. Those who love them, can even go the extra mile to share food with them on the same plate or even kiss them. 

However, an unkempt dog can get you sick. If you are new to having a dog, you probably are not sure about the proper way to keep it clean and healthy, so here are a few tips:

Chris Rutinduka, a dog enthusiast, owns five dogs. His relationship with his dogs is special and when he isn’t okay, his dogs keep him company until he feels better. He says he can do anything just to make his dogs happy because they are a source of his joy. 

Chris Rutinduka playing with some of his dogs. / Photos: Courtesy

Having had dogs for six years now, he knows how to thoroughly clean them. "To ensure proper hygiene, you have to wash your dog once every week and twice every week for puppies,” he says. 

He says check if the kennel is clean every day, and fumigate the compound once a month to avert viruses such as Canine parvo. Canine parvovirus (CPV) is a contagious virus mainly affecting dogs and is highly contagious and is spread from dog to dog by direct or indirect contact with their faeces.

Rutinduka says that it’s an owner’s responsibility to follow the dates of deworming and vaccination as vets advise that vaccinations protect against transmittable diseases, for example, canine distemper, parvovirus, hepatitis infections and rabies virus. For adult dogs, they recommend deworming two times a year.

When it comes to giving his ‘best friends’ (the dogs) a bath, which he enjoys doing, he starts with combing their fur gently, then adds plain water without shampoo. After, he applies water with shampoo—he prefers combat shampoo. 

"Then I wait for five minutes so that the shampoo can work properly. I then remove the shampoo with a lot of water and make sure that it’s completely off their skins because if it remains, it can cause skin irritation. When my dogs are dry after like an hour or two, I comb their fur to look smart,” he says. 

Rutinduka says that it’s good to reward your dog after showering it to make it comfortable, for instance, feed it cookies with milk or anything that you know it likes. 

Rutinduka trims the dogs’ nails once in three months to make them comfortable while walking. 

He, however, says that dogs need to be talked to in a calm way before washing them so that they know that you are not mistreating them, though some will still fear the process and keep hiding. "Gentleness is key while handling them, don’t be forceful because these creatures understand,” he says. 

According to Dog Time, while dogs don’t require daily scrub downs like we do, they do need regular baths — but just how regular depends on several factors, such as the dog’s environment and type of fur.

"Dogs with thick, double coats, such as Samoyeds, Malamutes, and other Northern breeds, do best with fewer baths and a lot of extra brushing, which gets rid of loose, dead hair and helps distribute natural oils that keep your dog’s skin and coat healthy,” the site states. 

You probably wonder how to tell that your dog really requires a wash, and the site suggests that you give it a good sniff. If it does not smell good, do the needful. 

"Use dog shampoo. It dries their skin less than people shampoo. Work the shampoo into a gentle lather and massage it all over your dog’s body, being careful not to get soap in their eyes. Use lukewarm water.”

According to the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), although dogs can be beneficial to the wellbeing of their owners, people should be aware that dogs of any age, including puppies, can sometimes carry harmful germs that can make people sick. Germs from dogs can cause a variety of illnesses, from minor skin infections to serious illnesses. One of the best ways you can protect yourself from getting sick is to thoroughly wash your hands after handling, caring for, feeding, or cleaning up after dogs. By providing your dog with routine veterinary care and following healthy tips, you are less likely to get sick from touching or interacting with a dog.