What cause itching in the ears?
Sunday, February 21, 2021


My daughter often puts a finger in her ear to relieve itching inside. I had never really paid attention to this. The itching, she says, is not intense, but sometimes it makes her make strange sounds with her throat. Does she have ear, nose and throat issues? Do we need to see a specialist?



Does your daughter have any other problem, along with itching of ears, like ear pain or discharge or fever? Does she have frequent sneezing and or running of nose?

Presence of excess dry wax in the ears is a very common cause for itching in children. There may be associated sense of blockade with or without pain. Strange sounds may be produced from throat in attempt to clear the blockade in ears.  Ear wax occurs naturally in the ear, protects and moisturises it. It removes dead cells, hair and microbes from inside the ear to outside. Wax falls off naturally from the ear and is also removed by jaw movements.  However, ear wax that picks up lot of debris or is long standing, may accumulate, become dry and cause itching. Excess ear wax, sticking outside can be gently removed by a soft wet cloth or with few drops of saline or clean water.  Few drops of olive oil may also help. If persistent, wax removing ear drops can be used to clear it. Trained professionals in any health care facility can remove excess ear wax manually.  But sticks or cotton swabs should never be put inside ears to remove wax. These, if used, may push wax from outside to inside, thus aggravating the problem or even cause injury to the delicate inner lining of ears.

Allergy is yet another cause for ear itching. It can be due to soap or shampoo used, can be to some substances present in the environment. Allergic rhinitis, i.e. cold due to allergy causes itchy ears as one of the manifestations. Eczema, i.e. dermatitis due to allergy can occur in ears, as well, as in other body parts. It manifests as vesicles and pustules, along with itching. Allergy to material of earrings worn can also cause itching.  Anti-allergy drugs put inside ears as ear drops or in syrup or tablet form help in healing. Other skin conditions like psoriasis, fungal infections may occur within or around ear and itching occurs as one of the manifestations. Treatment of these skin conditions, cures the itchy ears.

Any other infection in the ear may cause itching, but there would also be pain, with or without discharge and even at times, fever and headache.

Some toddlers or small children may just scratch their ears as they find it soothing, but they cannot explain it. There may be or may not be any itching. This happens because the ear is rich in nerves and nerve endings. A gentle pull on ears or touch on ear lobes results in release of endorphins, i.e. hormones, which make one feel good.

If itching is excess, if there is associated pain and or discharge, it is advisable to consult ENT (ear, nose and throat) specialist.

Dr. Rachna Pande is a specialist in internal medicine
