What’s the safest way to treat a baby’s cough?
Sunday, January 24, 2021


My two-month-old baby has a bit of a cough and I was given a syrup for it. It seems to be going down now, do I continue giving it to her? Can I save what’s left for when she gets a cough again?



How long has your baby had a cough? Was the cough syrup prescribed by a physician?  

Babies have a weak immune system, therefore they are vulnerable to viral and other infections. Running nose due to viral infection can cause nasal secretions to drip in and irritate the throat, due to anatomical proximity. This can induce dry irritating cough. A baby can have dry or productive cough due to allergy to something in the atmosphere or a baby product used for her. Whooping cough is yet another cause for cough in small babies, where the child has paroxysms of coughing with whoop like sound. Infections of the lungs and airways of lungs manifest as dry or productive cough.

Cough syrups are not recommended for infants routinely. Treating the underlying cause helps cure the cough as well. Most of the cough syrups contain a cocktail of various ingredients like decongestants, anti-allergy drugs, cough suppressants, and mucolytics. A baby’s body is not mature enough to metabolise these ingredients completely. Hence, even if given in prescribed dose, baby may develop toxicity. Therefore, cough syrup is used only if the cough is severe, troublesome, exhausting the baby or turning him/her blue. That too should be given on the guidance of a doctor or paediatrician. If used, should be given for minimum duration, that is, two to three days and stopped, once cough is reduced. The bottle can be closed tight, kept in a cold dry place, away from direct sunlight for future use. The cup with the bottle should be kept clean and dry.   

Mild cough can simply be treated by steam inhalation. The mother can sit with the baby on her lap, putting the child’s face towards steam emanating from a kettle or sauce pan. The baby will automatically inhale it. Due to the heat, she may cry. More she cries, more will be inhaled and help her. Rubbing turmeric paste over the forehead, throat and chest is done as a home remedy to reduce the cough. Mother’s milk provides antibodies to the baby to help fight infection, hence exclusive breast feeding is the best choice for a baby having cough.  Warm fluids like lukewarm water, soup, if at all used should be just one to two spoons at a time. Honey though good for cough should not be used with a small baby, because germs present in it can make the baby sick.

Preventive measures to avoid cough should be adopted. The baby should be kept in a dust-free room. Handling of the baby should be done by limited number of people. Babies have a weak immune system, hence, microbes from hands of a person holding the baby can easily cause infection in her. Somebody with cold or cough or smoking should be kept away from the baby.

Dr. Rachna Pande is a specialist in internal medicine
