Covid-19: Cases in prisons have subsided despite countrywide surge
Wednesday, December 23, 2020
Nyarugenge Prison commonly known as Mageragere was among correctional facilities that registered Covid-19 cases in November. / Photo: Sam Ngendahimana.

Rwanda Correctional Service (RCS) has announced that it is optimistic of the progress made towards combating the spread of the novel coronavirus in prisons.

Last month, prisons became the country’s major hotspot of Covid-19 positive cases, after claiming more than 12 lives and registering more than 200 cases in less than a month.

At the time, the majority of the cases were registered in Rwamagana Prison, commonly known as Nsinda, in Nyarugenge Prison commonly known as Mageragere and Muhanga Prison.

A few weeks later, cases were reported in other Prisons including Rusizi Prison and Musanze Prison.

Speaking to The New Times in an exclusive interview, Senior Superintendent of Prisons Pelly Uwera Gakwaya, the RCS spokesperson noted that currently, majority of the prisons have been declared Covid-free.

"Currently only Musanze and Rusizi Prison are still registering new infections. And these are also few compared to the previous days. Generally, we are optimistic of the current progress.”

She added that, "Other prisons have not registered a single case for the past days. Apart from Rwamagana which recently registered cases amongst the staff. For the inmates there is currently no positive case registered.”

Gakwaya attributed the development to the compliance to Covid-19 preventive measures amongst inmates as well as the recently established isolation center at the Rwamagana Prison.

"This is largely due to the established isolation centre at Rwamagana Prison, a facility that enabled us to divide Covid-19 patients and the ordinary inmates. The other reason is that we have seen better compliance of the containment measures from inmates.”

Christmas visits, prayers are not allowed

Owing to the recent spike of cases in the country, Gakwaya said that relatives, friends and other forms of associates of inmates will not be allowed to conduct visits during the festive season.

"Like it has been, we will not allow any person to visit the inmates, because steadfast in strengthening the fight against this pandemic.”

She pointed out that, "Much as there has been progress, the festive season is not time to let our guard down. The same measures taken before will remain in place. We are not 100 per cent sure that we have won over this battle. Therefore we urge all people who are planning to visit inmates to wait until the situation gets better.”

Of the total 7,402 Covid-19 cases recorded in the country, 6100 have already recovered.

The country’s death toll currently stands at 65.