Self-motivation; the secret of success
Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Self-motivation is, in its simplest form, the force that drives you to do things, making it a very important skill. Self-motivation drives people to keep going even in the face of set-backs, to take up opportunities, and to show commitment to what they want to achieve.

Enock Habimana, a motivational speaker in Rubavu District working with young people, says before you think of motivating others, start by motivating yourself, adding that doing so will keep you going in the face of challenges.

When you are self-motivated, he says, you have the zeal to take up opportunities that come along the way, and this boosts your commitment to achieving your goals and aspirations.

"It’s important to understand that being self-motivated is a factor that can help turn an idea into a successful business, a thought into action. In short, self-motivation can impact the world around you in a positive manner,” he says.

Habimana says that there are many people to draw inspiration from, in his case, deceased American inventor, Steve Jobs, who co-founded and transformed the company, Apple Inc, into a world leader in telecommunications. Widely considered a visionary and a genius, Jobs oversaw the launch of revolutionary products such as the iPod and the iPhone.

Why you should be self-motivated

Being self-motivated, Mark Ndagijimana, a deputy teacher at GS Ruhango Catholique School in Ruhango District says, gives one priority in life which drives them to work hard.

He explains that when you understand what you want in life and are motivated, you prioritise. And, depending on your aspirations, being focused and committed are the most important aspects to help you reach your goals.

Another American inventor Thomas Edison once said, "I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” He added, "Our greatest weakness lies in giving up.”

Experts believe that the most certain way to succeed is to always try, and that it doesn’t matter how many times you try and fail—this will teach you how to overcome trials.  

To achieve this, however, one needs to be self-motivated, as this is the only skill that can teach you perseverance even when you are about to give up.

Dr Andrew E Ivang from the Department of Clinical Biology – Huye Campus, University of Rwanda, says being self-motivated helps build your confidence.

He says when one is motivated to achieve their goals, confidence is a by-product of the little steps taken to see that goal achieved.

And that when you push through setbacks and fear, there is a sense of accomplishment and this builds inner confidence to try something new always.

"Motivated people will have a few projects on the go because they have pushed through barriers and seen positive results, which gives them the motivation to start new projects and try new things, as opposed to those who lack self-motivation,” he says.

Ivang says that when you are personally motivated, it’s easy to inspire others to work hard and follow your steps.

He adds that self-motivation is always an attractive trait and it can inspire others to make things happen in their own lives. For instance, he points out that those who have been mentored or guided by different motivational speakers, the possibilities of achieving more in life is higher compared to those who haven’t been mentored.

This, he says, is because a motivational speaker’s positivity and can-do attitude elevates others’ spirits and morale, and for this reason, it’s important to find a motivated person to help elevate your own motivation levels.

Experts also say that motivation is like a muscle that needs to be constantly worked on, and this can be achieved by reading biographies, training, and listening to motivational speakers who share their own successes.

Habimana adds that self-motivation can help individuals solve problems and be more resourceful.

"To be the best, you need self-motivation which will positively impact your relationships with others, be it at the workplace or elsewhere,” Ivang says.