Covid-19: Rwanda reports 85 new cases, one fatality
Wednesday, December 16, 2020

85 people tested positive for Covid-19 in Rwanda on Tuesday, December 15, while one person succumbed to the virus on the same day.

The deceased, according to the Ministry of Health, is a 70-year-old man. This raised the country's Covid-19 death toll to 57.

Of the new cases, 30 infections were detected in Kigali among passengers arriving in the country and were isolated upon arrival. 

Musanze district which is currently under exclusive Covid-19 guidelines also reported 39 new cases detected among "high-risk groups".

The district is currently, among other guidelines, under longer curfew hours than the rest of the country because of a high prevalence of Covid-19 that has been detected within the area.

Meanwhile, Rubavu reported 8 new Covid-19 cases, whereas Karongi and Rusizi districts confirmed three infections each.

Ruhango and Huye districts also reported a single Covid-19 case each.

The results, according to the Ministry of Health, were obtained from 2,294 sample tests taken in the last 24 hours. In total, the country has so far conducted 673,517 tests.

Rwanda has so far confirmed 6,832 Covid-19 cases, of whom 6,036 have already recovered.