Little by little

There was once this little bean seed. It was really small and all the bigger plants laughed at it. One day a good farmer noticed the little bean seed and took it for planting. He planted it deep into the soil. Even though the bean was so small, it knew it would grow to become big.

Monday, March 23, 2009

There was once this little bean seed. It was really small and all the bigger plants laughed at it. One day a good farmer noticed the little bean seed and took it for planting. He planted it deep into the soil. Even though the bean was so small, it knew it would grow to become big.

Little by little, days went by and the little bean grew. The good farmer watered it and soon little bean had small roots that grew deep into the soil for support. Then, a tiny shoot went up above the ground. The little bean was so happy because it had become a plant.

Day by day the bean grew bigger and taller. Soon it was full grown and had seed pods with many little seeds. The leaves were bright and beautiful. The bean became the farmer’s pride.

Lesson we learn

Little children are just like the little bean. When we are small we grow little by little. Moment by moment we become bigger and taller.

We learn new things step by step. We learn to be wise little by little. Everything takes time. We need to take it slow in order to learn well.

By doing the best we can in everything, means we are learning well. One day you will grow big you will be the person you want to be.
