One virus to another: If diseases could talk
Thursday, December 10, 2020

Do you think viruses communicate with each other? I think they do. Must be that whole communicable/non-communicable disease business with the likes of cancer, diabetes, heart disease and such as introverts and HIV/Aids and coronavirus every bit extroverts! Their conversations must involve sinister plots on how to inflict more pain and suffering on us! Well here’s more of what I suppose conversations between HIV and Covid-19 are like. 

COVID-19: ‘Hey, there’s a new kid on the block, I have to say it feels good to have someone who knows exactly what it’s like to be hated by humans, even though I understand why they can’t stand us. True! They don’t want us around and this is really a matter of life and death. If we don’t kill them, they’ll kill us.’ 

HIV: ‘l hear you lil’ brother. They’ve been trying to get rid of me for the last 40 years.’

COVID-19: ‘40 years, huh? So how come you’re still here?’

HIV: ‘Well, it’s a lot of things, some of which you know and appear to be doing already like mutating so you’re not just one strain scientists can easily figure out.’

COVID-19: ‘Yeah, I’ve tried that but all these researchers and vaccine developers are breathing down my viral neck. If all their trials are successful, I could be done in a matter of weeks!’

HIV: ‘I feel your fear mate but you brought this on yourself.’

COVID-19: ‘Me? And how exactly did I do that? 

HIV: ‘Well, you made a splash, causing enormous panic and disruption seemingly overnight. Humans don’t like that. You’ve killed hundreds of thousands in the short time you’ve been here, obliterated jobs, wiped out people’s savings, hampered travel and even caused people to cancel their Christmas plans. Who in their viral mind messes with Christmas? No wonder they’re throwing everything at you. In fact you remind me of those notorious ‘get rich quick’ schemes that start out with a lot of fanfare only to fizzle out unceremoniously.’

COVID-19: ‘Says the dude who’s claimed over 32 million indiscriminately! Don’t try to make it look like I’m the worst they’ve suffered. Besides, it’s not my fault that these people go out of their way to look for trouble. They’re domesticating wild animals while others feast on meats not meant to be consumed and they’re surprised at the outcome. I doubt I’ll fizzle out like you said and here’s why. Humans aren’t good at following simple orders. Just like many of them won’t abstain or use protection in your case, they continue to violate safety guidelines, refuse to wear masks or social distance in mine. Some don’t even believe I’m real and a virus of my stature needs to prove I’m not a hoax by infecting as many as I can while I still can. And you know what else is working to my advantage? Greed and corruption. They’re so selfish and are now hoarding the limited vaccine doses for the wealthy just like they did with protective equipment for frontline workers and inflated procurement costs for basic medical supplies. Add the anti-vac movement and like you, I might actually survive another four decades or so! Unless of course you don’t want to share the sick spotlight! 

HIV: ‘Valid points you raise and no, I’m not jealous or anything and I’m totally okay with not being the centre of attention after years under global scrutiny. I was just looking out for you because lots of people are out to get you and in trying to stop you, they might stop me too and that’s the last thing we should let happen. Very well then. I’ll try to slow down because we have to win this "viruses against humans” battle or they get to enjoy happy healthy lives!