Gospel Singer Tuyi set to release new songs
Monday, November 09, 2020
Arsene Tuyiringire.

Arsene Tuyiringire, 28, also known as Arsene Tuyi, is a gospel artiste who dedicated himself to serving God through gospel music and he has lived up to his word.

Although he started singing as a recording artiste in 2016, he was inspired to sing by his late mother who was a choir leader. He then started imitating her but also having grown up in a Christian family, contributed a lot to teaching him more about God.

Luckily enough, Tuyi joined a Sunday School choir at ADPR Remera, where his talent was groomed. Ever since then, he never looked back.

He has so far recorded 14 songs including, "Naranyuzwe, "Waramutse Rwanda”, "Kure niho Tuva”, "Umujyi w’amashimwe”, and "Amagufwa yumye” and written more than 30 songs..

He is set to release three songs starting early December, one is titled "Inzu ya kabili.” The inspiration behind this song was Jesus. The singer was meditating upon Jesus’ compassion as He still loves human beings as his own despite their shortcomings, when he got the idea to write the song.

His second song is "Bye, bye dry season”, which he wrote just to assure his soul that the dry season is over because the rain has come.

Tuyi’s aim for this song is to give hope to people that tough times don’t last forever because there will be a calm after the storm.

The third song is "Calvary” and the message behind it is the power of the cross in everyone’s life.

One of the most challenging moments Tuyi has encountered in the gospel journey is lack of enough financial support.

"As you know recording, promoting music and concerts requires money. Sometimes I spend more than my earnings but all in all, God is still supporting me,” he stressed.

Tuyi also noted that unfortunately people think that gospel music shouldn’t be sold but nothing is for free as gospel artists also need to get money to record their next songs that quench the thirst of many souls.

He is currently pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Business Management at University of Kigali. Reaching university level— to him is one of his breakthroughs, having lost his parents at a young age, supporting his education wasn’t easy but his church and former secondary school have been assisting in paying some of his tuition.

Tuyi is a member of Restoration Church Masoro, under the leadership of Joshua Masasu and Lydia Umulisa Masasu.

The ‘Wagize neza’ singer is looking forward to starting a bakery so as to have a side income to support his music.