America decided, and it’s not Kanye!
Thursday, November 05, 2020

Kanye believe it? The black community just left a brother hanging! Kanye’s hardly even being mentioned! If I were him, I’d look into why and how I failed to secure even the black vote. In fact, I’d put every black person who didn’t vote for me on blast with a few angry tweets, starting with my so-called celebrity friends, leave them there long enough for everyone to grab screenshots then delete them. 

Or maybe I’d drop an album and call it "Future President”, "Sellout”, or "Don’t Need Y’all”. But that’s the thing, any black person who wants even a remote shot at winning anything needs all the support they can garner and black people no longer just vote for you because you’re black. 

You have to earn it and to do so, you need some credibility. I don’t know if Kanye will run again. If he wants to, he probably already knows that the next Presidential Election is only four years away, but that’s more than enough time to prepare. First, I think it would help if he got some real ‘black power’ on board. I don’t know what he’d have to do to get the likes of Serena Williams, Beyoncé, Oprah, Michelle Obama or even LeBron James on his team.

I feel terrible for even suggesting this but he can use his cute kids if he has to. Arrange some high profile playdates and he just might win the parents over! Or maybe write a memoir detailing his first campaign experience and send Oprah a copy and hope she mentions it in her Book Club. How about getting the big names to make cameos in his next video or even better, convince one of them to be his running mate next time because the bigger the ticket, the more buzz and every campaign needs that. 

Oh and Kanye, if you try any of this, you might as well hire me as your next strategist. Just saying! Also just remembered how one of my and I assume many people’s all-time favourite shows "24” featured at least two black presidents; Dennis Haysbert who played President David Palmer and D. B. Woodside who played his younger brother, Wayne, and assumed the Presidency after his big brother was killed. Oops, spoiler alert. But is there anyone not caught up on the series? Anyway, this was all right before Barack Obama went on to become President and didn’t we all let out a collective sigh of relief when he and his family made it out alive after serving two terms? Guess we’ll have to wait a while for that to happen again. Who else thinks Haysbert should run for President though because he actually looks the part?

I think Kobe would’ve run too and God knows America and the world need that ‘mamba mentality’ to beat Covid-19, racism, poverty, climate change and all the global challenges we’re facing. Not trying to tell anyone how to vote, but sometimes you’re left scratching your head by closely contested elections that should be anything but. Must be all those undecided voters. Every election has them, even where the candidates’ records, visions, personalities and character couldn’t be starker.

If you were being asked to choose between Nelson Mandela and Dr Martin Luther King, you’d have every reason to sit on the fence. But you had a guy who served as Obama’s Vice President for eight years and another who spent about the same amount of time pushing fake conspiracies about his predecessor and has done all he can to undo his legacy and you’re still undecided. As both Barack and Biden would say, "C’mon man!”