How physical exercise can help mitigate effects of Covid-19
Sunday, November 01, 2020

Before March 2020, when the Car Free Day exercises and other mass sporting activities were halted in an effort to curb the spread of the novel coronavirus disease (Covid-19), Kigalians and Rwandans in general used to join in a bi-monthly mass sporting activity (Car Free Day).

People would park their cars and engage in physical exercises as a way to maintain physical fitness as well as to prevent the development of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) risk factors.

Others used to do the monthly and/or yearly subscription in gymnasiums and fitness centres as their preferred way to maintain routine exercising.

However, since 14th March 2020, when the first Covid-19 case was reported in Rwanda; the government restricted all unnecessary gatherings and later imposed a two-month total lockdown in order to control rapid spread of the virus.

During this time, many people lost their jobs and businesses, stayed at home watching, reading or listening to news about Covid-19, and these got them anxious or depressed in one way or the other.

Some people lost track of their routine physical activities and engaged in unhealthy lifestyle habits including eating unhealthy foods, tobacco smoking and alcohol consumption, which have seen massive weight gain, obesity, and a couple other vitals that are risk factors to NCDs.

The benefit of staying physically active remains important as our body systems work better when we are active, which can be through routine exercising. Physical activity and exercise are among the recommended measures in addressing mental health problems such as anxiety and depression thus posing as a strategy to cover both fronts on mental health and NCDs.

Since early June, the non-contact outdoor sporting activities were greenlighted, followed by the resumption of the famous Car Free Day exercises that resumed on September 20.

The resumption of these activities has been welcomed by many people, and it is not only promising to yield physically fit individuals but also restores hope of some normalcy settling in people’s lives, which is of importance.

Talking to people and friends, moving out for a walk, as well as interacting with the community, are among the best ways to cope with psychological issues which are optimally offered through the routine Car Free Days and other non-contact exercising.

However, these have to be conducted safely to control the spread of Covid-19. In a report that was released on October 10 during the World Mental Health Day, the World Health Organization (WHO) reported that critical mental health services were interrupted by the Covid-19 pandemic in 93% of countries worldwide, while the need for psychological care has been on the rise over the same period.

With such a high burden of mental illnesses with interrupted care, the return of Car Free Day exercises and other sporting arrangements serve as an intervention to service this growing need for psychosocial support for the public.

According to research, people living with NCDs like diabetes, obesity, hypertension, and other serious heart conditions are at a higher risk of severe Covid-19 illness, and most of these can be controlled and managed through physical activity.

Considering gymnasiums and fitness centres remain closed, the Car Free Day and other non-contact sporting activities should be embraced as great alternatives for people. These not only cater for their psychological needs and physical health needs but also lessens the risk of suffering severe COVID-19 in case they are infected.

Additionally, these sporting arrangements have resumed without contravening the prevailing public health recommendations to control the spread of COVID-19. These include but are not limited to wearing facemasks before and after exercising, maintaining a 1.5 meters sporting distance between each other, and frequent use of hand sanitizers.

It is true that COVID-19 is our greatest enemy in the current times as it has pushed our friends, relatives and loved ones into extreme financial hardships, loss of lives and even rising burden of mental health.

Nevertheless, we still have a chance to take advantage of what we have at our disposal to create a semblance of normalcy while taking responsibility for our health. The Car Free Day and other sporting activities that have resumed are a great option for us to start off and regain control of our health both physically and psychologically.

Together we shall overcome. Let’s not lower our guard.

The writer is a Pharmacist and MSc. in Public Health at Mount Kenya University Rwanda.