Israel to formalise ties with Bahrain, Oman after UAE deal
Monday, August 17, 2020

Bahrain and Oman could be the next Gulf countries to follow the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in formalising ties with Israel, Eli Cohen Israel's intelligence minister told the media on Sunday.

The move is part of the country’s plan to reshape Middle East politics from the Palestinian issue to the fight against Iran.

The plan was last week on Thursday, August 13,  initiated by what was called a historic agreement between the country and UAE after the two sides announced they would normalise diplomatic ties and forge a broad new relationship.

"In the wake of this agreement will come additional agreements, both with more Gulf countries and with Muslim countries in Africa," Minister Cohen said.

"I think that Bahrain and Oman are definitely on the agenda. In addition, in my assessment, there is a chance that already in the coming year there will be a peace deal with additional countries in Africa," he added.

Reports indicate that both Bahrain and Oman praised the accord, but neither have commented on their own prospects for normalised relations or responded to requests for comment on the subject.

"I expect more countries will be joining us in the peace circle," Netanyahu told cabinet ministers on Sunday, according to a statement from his office.

"This is a historic change which advances peace with the Arab world and will eventually advance a real, sober and secure peace with the Palestinians," the statement reads in part 

On the same day, UAE and Israeli foreign ministers held their first publicly-acknowledged call after the Gulf state opened telephone lines to Israel.