Nyarugenge court to rule on surrogacy case appeal
Tuesday, August 11, 2020

The Nyarugenge Intermediate Court will on Wednesday, August 12,  rule on a surrogacy case that has sparked debates among the public on whether surrogacy is legal in Rwanda.  

The ruling follows an appeal by a couple that went to court after other infertility treatments were not successful and doctors advised them to get a go-ahead from courts of law before they can begin medical surrogacy procedures.

On June 30, the Kicukiro Primary Court, the judge ruled to block this procedure saying that the law provides that "procreation occurs between a man and a woman or with assistance” while the petitioners were seeking reproduction between two families for which the law is silent.

The ruling sparked debate as to whether surrogacy is legal in Rwanda or not. Mostly through social media.  Members of the public raised concerns that the law does not provide enough details on the procedure. 

The Rwandan Law Governing Persons and Families stipulates that the mode of reproduction in Rwanda is naturally between a man and a woman or it can be medically assisted.

The debate on understanding how surrogacy works and its legal framework will be the topic for this week's popular TV show - The Square - that airs every Wednesday on the public broadcaster, RBA from 9.p.m.