Origin of ordinary things: Reusable water bottle
Tuesday, July 21, 2020
Reusable water bottles are environmentally friendly, durable, safe, and easy-to-clean. / Net photo.

We bring our reusable water bottle to work, the gym, and on hikes. At this point, they’re as essential as our cell phones and car keys when we leave the house every day.

During the Medieval Era, however, people drank from water skins made from animal hide. The containers were sometimes also referred to as water bladders and were good at storing wine for knights in battle. This is according to Quality Logo Products.

Bottles, in 1800s, were then crafted from clay or stoneware and were primarily used to hold gin or whiskey from local distillers.

Farmers kept their cool in the fields, in the 1900s, with refillable glass bottles. These could be filled up by iron industrial well pumps that were mounted above the water wells in rural areas.

In 1937, soldiers stayed hydrated with reusable canteens made from enameled steel. These containers held roughly two pints and were covered in felt that made them easier to carry.

In 1947, plastic became a popular material after World War II. The first plastic water bottles came onto the market at this time, though they cost a lot higher before polyethylene was used.

Aside from plastic, aluminum was also a popular material to use for water bottles. One of the most popular among cyclists was the Coloral brand, which featured a cork stopper.

Stainless steel products were mass-produced in the 1950s. This material was said to be more durable and healthier to drink from than plastic or aluminum.

Polyethylene started being used in water bottles. This material was more affordable, lightweight, and easy to shape into fun designs, in 1960s. Companies like Coca Cola also took to advertising on water bottles.

In 1964, Thermos competed with lunch box manufacturer Aladdin by offering a reusable water container. These were decorated with popular movie and television stars.

Today, different types of water bottles have been introduced with diversified technologies. It is essential to have knowledge about the benefits of coldest water bottles and accessories that are both good for your health and save you money and the earth.

According towaterdepot.com, environmentally friendly, durable, safe, and easy-to-clean, stainless steel water bottles are an excellent alternative to using plastic water bottles. The steel will not rust, and many desirable features are available such as special caps, cool colours, carrying straps, spouts, handles, clips, and unique shapes.