From a parents heart

Little gestures make you kid’s heroes! Sometimes parents forget to do for kids what they like them to do for them.  We often teach them to answer “Yes mommy, yes daddy.”

Monday, March 09, 2009

Little gestures make you kid’s heroes!

Sometimes parents forget to do for kids what they like them to do for them.  We often teach them to answer "Yes mommy, yes daddy.”

All this is good, and it is one way of raising responsible and disciplined children with character. However, children learn through examples.  In fact, you can’t avoid being an example to your children, whether good or bad.

I remember a story that a certain lady told during a certain workshop. It was about bringing up our kids better. She narrated; "One day I sat down to finish my work at home when my four year old son started frustrating me. He was complaining, throwing temper tantrums and he just made too much noise! 

I begged him to keep quiet but he could not. He kept calling, ‘Mommy...Mommy...,’ I just ignored him. Finally to make his quiet I responded with a little annoyance, ‘What?’

In his innocent little voice, he answered ‘Thank you for being my hero.’ ” This story tells of how the little things we do as mothers for our children can seem so small yet in the eyes of our little ones, we are simply heroes!

We need to create an environment in which our children can develop honesty, generosity, and a sense of justice. For most of us, we have to strengthen our own character daily as we struggle to be good parents.

We become responsible parents who provide for our children’s daily needs as we raise them to be responsible citizens.
