EDITORIAL: Things we cannot afford
Monday, May 18, 2020

Although the world is evolving and everything seems to have been globalised, starting from the law, democratic principles, fashion, beliefs and more, the GDP is hesitant to the phenomenon and so many differences begin from there.

First and foremost, since the first case was reported in Mid-March, no deaths have been reported. This brings to question whether our patients are in better hands, yet, in an impoverished African country.

Experts’ arguments on the low death rate in Africa are: "The population is younger”, but then again, we have had people in their late 60’s recover and there was a probability that people with malnutrition and Malaria could also be classified as the most vulnerable, but time is yet to tell on that one.

Some countries have been charging for tests and treatment of the pandemic yet many low-income countries are not. Maybe it’s because their people can afford to, whereas for us, the state foots the bill.

Rwanda implemented the lockdown within six days only after the first case was reported and as of May 17 we are now at 292 cases. What if it had implemented it ten days later on not at all?

The same is when we really feel pity for people who have lost their jobs or everything else we are worried about. It is either safety or nothing at all.

People have started regarding the lockdown measures as oppressive and inhumane, but given our GDP, unemployment benefits are only a luxury, but so will treatment if we forego safety over survival.

We should take note that we risk recording deaths if we give up now. We have seen that in Italy, the US and Spain. That one thing we cannot afford