Don’t ignore corona-stress
Saturday, May 16, 2020

News channels are the source of anxiety. Aren’t they? Whatever information you have till now is quite enough for you. Watching news channels all day long won’t help you in any way except build tension in your mind.

Death toll is not a score you need to keep updated with. There is no importance of knowing how many people died each day in every city or country. Although you might tell yourself that these are only figures which won’t harm you — yet they unintentionally build a fear of dying in your mind.

Finding relevant information on the internet is always a bad idea. No matter what disease it is putting it in the search bar of search engine must be avoided. Similarly, in case of Coronavirus, you don’t have to search about it every now and then. Incomplete and unconfirmed information about this novel disease can lead to more confusion and stress.

Avoid forwarding messages about the crisis. It is your responsibility to not only take care of yourself but also about the people around you.

Entertain yourself with some physical games. Board games are always a good option to spend some quality time with family.

Catch up on web series, TV shows and movies. There must be many of them you couldn’t watch because of deadlines, work load and exams. Now is the time.

Reading won’t hurt. Even if you have never taken a book in our hand before, it’s okay. You can read some available online.

Dealing with kids and elderly can be difficult. They are prone to be mentally unstable and become anxious about the situation quite easily.

Listen to them. Let them speak about their feelings. Once they give their stress the shape of voice and words they will feel relaxed.

Talk to them. Let them know that you all are in this together. Tell them that all of it will be soon over.

Engage them in any activity. Don’t let them sit idle for long time. Make them do small chores.

Limit their exposure to news. News channels are all about bad news these days. Everyone irrespective of age is supposed to stay away from them.

There must be many people who are cut-off from their family and living under quarantine. Being alone can give rise to more anxiety and stress. It becomes quite difficult for them to spend time and stay positive.

Avoid sitting idle. Read books, watch movies, talk to a friend or family member or invest some time in self-care.

Talk to someone you love. Share your thoughts and feelings with them. This will help you ease.

Give yourself some time to relax. Sit or lie down. Declutter your mind by praying, motivating yourself and keeping the positive thoughts only.

COVID-19 has brought stigmatisation and xenophobia which is as dangerous as the disease itself. By every means, it is necessary to control the impact of this disease on the psychological state of mind of humans.

This article was first published by Oli Health Magazine.