Still going strong: Young Grace defies odds
Friday, April 24, 2020
Young Grace cuddles her baby Diamante. / Courtesy photos

She was in the news over the last year or so over her pregnancy which caused a stir in the music industry, with local media picking interest in her affairs but rapper Marie Grace Abayizera, commonly known as Young Grace has proven wrong those who had written her off and thought she would quit music.

Her break up with the father of her child and taking up the role of a single mother has not stopped her from producing music, even after birth.

Something not so common to other career women in the entertainment industry, Young Grace thinks nothing has really changed, but instead gained more power. 

"Nothing big really changed for me, what I would say is that I got more courage, now that I have someone else to work for.”

Despite motherhood duties‭, ‬Young Grace has been keeping herself busy‭.‬

"It is really complimentary, to be a mother and keep working, since music is my career,” the "Ataha he” singer said.

The rapper couldn’t help but express her undying love for her baby whom she had already nicknamed Diamante before she was even born. She went on to record a song she named after her baby, and has been visually documenting the baby’s life, since she was pregnant.

"I recorded her a song which I called ‘Diamante’. I love children so much, and I was very excited that I was then going to have my own”.

"She’s still too young to tell if it is her mother’s song, but she enjoys music. Whatever song you play for her, she enjoys,” she said.

The rapper has often appreciated her mother for being supportive‭.‬

Young Grace advises young career mothers to love being parents and embrace their situation rather than allowing to be tamed by circumstances.

"It is an added value to be a mother. They should be proud of their children, spoil them, and teach them to do well and to pray. They should also discover and promote their children’s talents,” she advises single mothers.

The artiste released her first song in 2011, when she was still in high school. She now has two albums with 24 songs, and is planning to launch her 3rd album soon.

"I have many projects on my music, which I hope to release after this COVID-19 pandemic,” said Young Grace, who daughter turns 8 months today.

The singer has embraced her role as a mother‭.‬