Foods that will boost your immune system
Sunday, April 05, 2020

COVID-19 being a recent issue, research about it is ongoing, however, nutritionists say diet has a major role to play as what you eat can boost or weaken the immune system.

With no specific treatment for the novel coronavirus, currently, it’s being treated symptomatically, along with drugs that help boost the immune system, so that the body has the ability to fight the virus itself.

When it comes to disease and its negative impact on the body, the immune system is fundamental

Private Kamanzi, a nutritionist at Amazon Cabinet Clinic in Remera, Kigali, says the key message is to advise people to get the foods that have a role in boosting the immune system.

One way of boosting the immune system, he says, is through nutrition, although it can also be done through medical intervention.

Regarding nutrition and the immune system, he says it is advisable to have a well-balanced diet.

What to do

For a strong immune system, Kamanzi says there is need to consume foods rich in carbohydrates.

He explains that carbohydrates give energy to all parts of the body, however, he recommends healthy ones only.

"Do not eat processed carbohydrates like simple sugars, because these carbohydrates can instead diminish the immune system,” he cautions.

These include; processed white table sugars, chocolates, biscuits, soft drinks, among others.

Instead, Kamanzi says people should go for healthy sources of carbohydrates, like whole grains, brown rice, tubers like bananas, sweet potatoes, yams, pumpkins, among others.

"All these are sources of energy that can increase our body’s energy to defend itself against the infections, including coronavirus,” he adds.

He says it’s important to also consider proteins.

These foods build a stronger immune system. They also increase the number of anti-bodies.

"Anti-bodies themselves are protein in nature, they are fast frontline defence mechanisms of the body. They are cells that are ready to fight any antigens that invade the body,” he says.

Joseph Uwiragiye, the head of nutrition department at University Teaching Hospital of Kigali (CHUK), says for anti-bodies to increase in number, they need proteins.

The proteins, he says, are those from animal and plant sources such as fish, milk, meat, chicken, beans, dry peas and nuts.

Fruits and vegetables are also essential to the immune system.

He explains that these are body protectors, as they provide the micronutrients that the body needs for the process of making anti-bodies.

Here, he recommends fruits rich in vitamin C, A, B, manganese and copper.

"These are all micronutrients from fruits and vegetables which are important in boosting our immune system,” he says.

The type of fruits with concentration of vitamin A, he says, are those with orange-like colour such as oranges, pawpaw, pineapples, among others.

Uwiragiye says when it comes to fighting coronavirus, people should consume all the mentioned foods so as to have a stronger immune system that will not only easily evade the virus, but also, allow the body to have stronger ability to fight other viruses.

From observation studies, COVID-19 is easily killing people with a diminished immune system, especially those above the age of 60 and people with health complications.