Social distancing IS here
Thursday, March 26, 2020

Lately I have had a constant nagging to check on an old friend, but stopped myself each time I picked the phone to call because I don’t know what they will think. Am I checking on them because I really care or am I idly scrolling through the phone calling random numbers?

Let me chill.

With social distancing upon us, I have observed different types of couples, the one that finally has enough time to mend fences, one that is getting to know each other afresh, and another one that could easily kill themselves given a chance. Then there is that couple that cannot wait to get past this because they have now fully realized the relationship is beyond repair and only divorce will save them.

James and Susan fall in the first category; their seven-year-old marriage has been bumpy. The last one-year and-a-half has been tough but they both did not give up, they made several visits to the counselor in the hope of rediscovering themselves and making this work. They have sacrificed a lot to look perfect to their children and peers while hurting inside. Several weekends, they sneaked out of town, but that did not give them enough time, now they have all the time in their hands to make this work. It has not been easy pouring out their hearts and saying the things they passionately hate about each other, but they are glad that they are able to face their issues just the two of them without the help of an outsider.

The story is different for Penelope who has been cohabiting with Reagan for three years. When she found out she was pregnant she was devastated and did not know what to do, she and Reagan had not discussed any long term plans but with the baby, on the way, they decided to give it a try. With pregnancy blues kicking in, Penelope was moody all the time, things became worse when the baby came; it has been a rollercoaster.

Having to work hard in order to provide for their small family did not make the situation any easier. They had no time to do catch up neither did they stop on their tracks to really get to know each other. Three years on, this quarantine has provided the perfect opportunity for them to play ‘how well do you know your partner’ game among others. So far so good, they say.

Then there’s Noryn and Ben, though they’re married these ones have been on social distancing for the longest time. Ben rarely comes home early; he prefers coming back late, spending very little time with his wife and two children. If he is not at work he is out with the boys. He prefers eating out because his wife is the worst cook in the world; his words, not mine! The situation has been exacerbated by COVID-19. The only reason these two remained married was that there was a lot of external distraction. Right now, they look at each other and wonder why the hell they got married in the first place. It’s over for them.

When WHO will announce the world free of coronavirus a marriage registrar will be declaring Noryn and Ben free of each other.

This pandemic will expose a lot of us to who we truly are.