Cough, cough... it’s not coronavirus, thank God!
Thursday, March 12, 2020

So, I’ve been trying not to panic through this coronavirus craze but with hundreds succumbing to the deadly virus, it’s hard not to.

A few sniffles and you wonder if you’re next! I didn’t have a fever or any other tell-tale symptoms but I’m telling you, I was sweating and making all kinds of deals with God, trying to convince Him that I just wasn’t ready to die. Surprisingly, most people have managed to stay calm.

At least that’s what it appears like. I’m yet to see anyone wearing a face mask, for instance. In fact, I don’t have one myself.

Do you? Where did you get yours because I can’t seem to find any! My cough wasn’t bad and nobody seemed to notice or even care. Guess they have bigger problems or were simply being nice and didn’t want me to feel ostracized! Can’t promise I’ll extend the same courtesy to anyone wheezing or coughing their lungs out though!

I may not say anything but I will sure give you some major side-eye. And you better be covering your mouth! The real tragedy of this epidemic is that adults have to be persuaded to observe good personal hygiene practices. ‘Please wash your hands, wipe your nose with tissue and dispose responsibly.’

Like really? And then we have people spitting anywhere and everywhere. I try not to think of where all that sputum ends up, especially now that it’s raining a lot. Hopefully not in a water source! To think that I always try to hold my sneeze in and won’t even blow my nose in the company of colleagues because it’s gross!

I do it in the bathroom but I see grown-ups picking their noses or rubbing their eyes all the time and then they want to shake your hand! I stopped shaking hands a long time ago because I just got tired of the clammy, sweaty and sticky feeling!

A tip for anyone reluctant to turn down a handshake out of politeness or fear of offending the other person.

Pretend someone is calling and reach for your phone. Keep your eyes on the phone for at least three or so minutes and trust me, the other person will have withdrawn their hand by the time you look up again.

Or take a quick look at their nails. There’s usually dirt lurking under there and I can assure you the last thing you’ll be thinking of is politeness!