Editorial: Building good character

As you read this weeks issue, you will realise that the theme is about moral and character building. We chose this theme because we believe that having good morals and a good character is very important for everyone. I say this because, if you are badly behaved with a bad character, no one will want to be around you. 

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

As you read this weeks issue, you will realise that the theme is about moral and character building. We chose this theme because we believe that having good morals and a good character is very important for everyone.

I say this because, if you are badly behaved with a bad character, no one will want to be around you. If no one wants to be around you, then you cannot influence and help others. If you cannot influence and help others, then you cannot be a good leader.

In other words, a leader is anyone who influences other people. This can be in a good or bad way, but today all we want are good leaders.

Anyone can be a leader and it’s not only your school Head boys or Head girls who are leaders.  You can tell who a good leader is by just looking at their character and behaviour.

That is why as you read today’s issue you will discover different ways of building your character. This starts from the smallest things like greeting others to big things like working together and helping one another.

So as you read, enjoy as you start your journey as a good leader.
