A-level star candidate eyes medical profession

SOUTHERN PROVINCE HUYE — He scored 6 straight A’s in his Math-Physics combination. However,  Israel Zairi Akingeneye is refusing to celebrate this moment of glory.

Tuesday, March 03, 2009


HUYE — He scored 6 straight A’s in his Math-Physics combination. However,  Israel Zairi Akingeneye is refusing to celebrate this moment of glory.

The soft spoken 20 year old former student of the academic power house, Groupe Scolaire Officielle de Butare even reluctant to have his photo to appear in the papers.

‘I prefer keeping a low profile, that is who I am,” Akingeneya said when pressed to explain his unusual character.

Maybe this was the secret behind his success at last year’s A-level examinations. Akingeneye scored straight A’s in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography and English language.

"Hard work did it for me,” said Akingeneye, adding, "I consulted what other students were studying in other schools and also did a lot of library research at school.”

The fifth born in his family, Akingeneye is setting his sights on a career in medicine. "I love telecommunications but the fact that the industry is not developed here, I will settle for medicine,” he said.

Groupe Scolaire Officielle de Butare a traditional academic power house in the country also produced other top performers in Biology/Chemistry option at national level.

These are Olivier Nsengiyumva and Manzi Mugisha who scored 5 straight A’s.

Results released last Friday show that at least 89 percent of the total number of students who sat for A-level examinations passed their papers.
