Editorial: Locked in party wars, Mitali wins round one

Dear readers, The current issues in politics that have been making headlines since August were nation-wide elections among political parties. 

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Dear readers,

The current issues in politics that have been making headlines since August were nation-wide elections among political parties. 

A lot of water has flowed under the bridge but many issues have remained unearthed about one political party, the Liberal Party (PL). 

One of the hot political stories in the country has been the wrangles which engulfed PL immediately after elections and are yet to ebb.

Some members of the party (PL) were not satisfied with the results of the elections, citing corruption, intimidation and other irregularities which were brought to the attention of the Executive Committee.

This is a common feature characterizing elections and politics in African countries. The quickest proposal was a re-election, to get clean people to posts of representation.

Instead, the complainants were expelled from the party and relieved of representation from parliament and have since been replaced.

They are still waiting for court to pronounce itself on there fate. The PL leader, Protais Mitali has weathered the storm amidst all these accusations and counter accusations.

He gives his side of the story just as his foes do. So in today’s Insight, we bring you this drama and remain wondering what will happen if the Supreme Court rules in favour of the lawmakers. Nice Idi
