Why you should try yoga
Sunday, January 26, 2020

Yoga has become a popular form of exercise. It is a type of sport that combines exercising of the mind plus the body. And its ability to blend physical workouts with meditation and breathing techniques has made it a famous practice.

Yoga is basically an old discipline from India which is both spiritual and physical, and it helps to improve health and happiness.

It usually entails low-impact physical activity, postures, breathing techniques, relaxation, and meditation

Aline Mazimpaka, a yoga trainer at Ituze Mindfulness and Yoga Centre, explains that yoga has eight parts.

These include Yama (external discipline), niyama (internal discipline), asana (postures), pranayama (breath control), pratyahara (withdrawal of senses), dharana (concentration), dhyana (meditation) and samadhi (integration).

She says yoga is generally like other sports, only that its benefits exceed those of the usual exercise that are mainly physical.

Yoga, like other exercises, helps with loss of weight and keeping diseases at bay, however, Mazimpaka adds that the deep breathing done in yoga is so important in strengthening lungs, hence fostering healthy respiratory system.

"People who practice yoga have given testimonies that their breathing improves with this practice,” she says.

She goes on to explain that because yoga incorporates meditation, it helps with relaxation, and a person is able to be more mindful and aware of the present moment, without much worry about the past or future.

"Yoga is recommended to help deal with mental health, it is found to be helpful because of its gentle and calming nature,” Mazimpaka adds.

Lacey Burns, a certified 200HR yoga teacher, says it’s important to know that the health benefits of yoga do not come automatically, and that for that to happen, it takes time, commitment and a continuous practice to fully benefit from practicing yoga.

But over time, she says, even by practicing once or twice a week, one may have any of the following increased health benefits:

Burns points out that yoga builds muscle strength, increases flexibility and shapes a better posture.

"It promotes a healthy spine, it can also help to prevent cartilage and joint breakdown, hence having better bone health (increase bone density),” she says.

According to Burns, practising yoga is a great immunity booster and on top of that, it can also aid with digestion, support one’s connective tissues and help to lower blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar.

Because of its focus on postural exercises, Burns says yoga has the ability to relax and maintain the nervous system, and that with continued practice, it can help relieve chronic pain or stress as it helps to centre the mind.

This, on the other hand, helps in improving one’s body balance, she adds.

"When you practise yoga, you can be assured of overall improved happiness, energy and vitality for the exercise can help with depression and anxiety,” she says.


The best way to learn yoga is by doing it.

Burns, however, recommends that one should speak to their doctor first before starting yoga if they have any kind of health condition.

She explains that if one is a beginner, it is best to integrate yoga into their workout routine at least once a week.

This can be done in the morning just after waking up, or perhaps in the evening to help the nervous system. Someone who is more experienced in the different forms of yoga may practice once a day for a duration of 10 minutes to an hour.

It’s important that any form of stretching requires a warm-up and cool down to ensure proper muscle recovery, she cautions.

"The great thing about yoga is the accessibility, one could practice a few stretches at home or take a class within the city. But I would suggest taking a class as you will have more direction from a teacher and reduce the risk of injury,” she says.

For maximum benefits, Burns advises incorporating yoga at least 2 to 3 times a week as this would help to support other exercises like running or cycling. Overall, practicing a few times a week increases muscle strength, flexibility, and endurance. Yoga also creates a sense of mindfulness that will help to reduce stress in your daily life, she says.