Raising successful children
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Encourage children to think and observe on their own.

Having a happy and successful child is every parent’s wish, but it comes at a price. It is not just about money, but, time, sacrifice, and alliance.

It is a parent’s responsibility to help their children use their abilities to always develop cumulative skills that help form the progressive personal qualities that will lead them to a fruitful life. It is those individual aptitudes that make a child exceptional, and how they use such skills to develop positive capabilities. But how can this be possible anyway;

Give them attention. When children have what to say, it is good to hear them out and even advise them accordingly. If they are not heard, they fear opening up, which would kill their self-esteem. Attention goes beyond listening to what they have to say, to paying attention to what they watch, read, who they associate with, what makes them happy and so much more.

Teach forgiveness. A wrong can’t be paid off by a wrong. An child needs to be taught how to say sorry when they make mistakes. But only to say it if they mean it. Kids usually get misunderstandings with siblings all the time, they need guidance. 

Make it a point to have family gatherings and celebrations. A family is kept strong if it unites and celebrates small successes. It can be due to a job opportunity, higher school grades, birthday parties or just a simple gathering. Anything that keeps the family united teaches kids much about the values of family. 

Give credit where it is due. Small compliments push kids to become better and happy. When they perform an act of kindness, like sharing the little they have with their friends, if they perform a task at home or school, appreciate them, as you could be planting a seed of greatness in them. They can’t challenge themselves to perform bigger tasks if they are not appreciated.  

Set reasonable boundaries for your children. Make a plan and be strategic. In parenting, you have to be one step ahead. Avoid using any language and tone that isn’t proper to a child as it might affect them. The tone should be firm and warm.

Use humour. Raising kids with a metallic hand might not be so easy. At times, children just comply if you joke. Otherwise, if you are too serious about everything, they might lose the fun. 

Ensure that your children get enough sleep. Research shows that children who get insufficient sleep have poorer brain function, can’t focus well, are more likely to become obese, are less creative, and unable to manage their emotions.

Children require enough time to play. Any sport that allows them to use their body parts and even sweat is the best. They can run around, skip, and any sport that doesn’t keep them in one place.

Nurture trust and independence. Parents should teach children to be trustworthy and also encourage them to be responsible and independent at an early age. 

Their health should come first. Take children for regular check-ups.