How are you spending Christmas?
Thursday, December 19, 2019

Christmas is just a few days away; many are looking forward to making the best of out the holidays by arranging and making plans on how to make their Christmas day a memorable one.

Society Magazine’s Donah Mbabazi had a chat with a number of people who shared some of their plans for this year’s Christmas.


Clapton Mugisha, Comedian

This is going to be a special day for me. It’s going to be the first Christmas I will be spending with my family; we will share it with our parents by spending the day together. But I will also spare sometime to meet street kids as I always do on this day; I ensure to celebrate Christmas with them.


Pacifique Kamugisha, Guild president - University of Kigali

This year’s Christmas is so special for me. For the days leading to Christmas, I will be visiting the US as I will be attending a World Bank youth summit. Therefore, it is my first time to experience the holidays outside my country, but I will back home in time to have my Christmas.

On Christmas Day, I will be with my family. Normally on this day, I meet with all my family members to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ as I am a Christian as well.


Ange Umulisa, Emcee

Well, this Christmas, I want to take the kids out of town, I just haven’t decided where yet. We are also doing our usual Christmas holiday routine which includes visiting family, having play dates with other kids and spending quality time together as a family, and nothing fancy really.


Eva Gara, Co-founder of Events Horizon Ltd

For this year’s Christmas, my family is going to give gifts, not to each other, but to someone in need. We are hoping to reach out to some people who live in some of the slums in Kigali. We also plan to get the extended family to meet and have a thanksgiving time together.


Victor Rukotana, Musician 

There are so many plans I have for this December and Christmas Day in particular. Some of these actually include giving my fans new music, among other things I am planning for this festive season. I have a new song called Umubavu, it is one of the songs on my first album.

But I will also be performing on different shows, however, it is a must on Christmas Day for me to be with my family. I will spend the entire day with them as we dine and have fun together.


Pacifique Uzamberumwana, Rapper

I am not planning anything special this year. But I am sure I will have to spend this day with my family. We haven’t decided whether we will be home for a family gathering or choose to go out. But regardless of what we choose, I hope we have fun and make this day a memorable one for us.


Shema Charlotte, Founder of Touch of Rwanda Fashion Designs

There is a Christmas party organised by Gira Ubumuntu a local non-government organisation. The aim of this event will be to reintegrate back some of these street kids into families (the organisation’s beneficiaries), but also, share the festival season together as they don’t have anyone else to celebrate with. So I will be there as we try to put a smile on the faces of these homeless souls of street kids in Kigali.


Jules Sentore, Musician

There is something we want to organise in form of thanksgiving but we have not mapped out the entire plan yet, we are still discussing with management. Otherwise apart from that, this day is usually spent with family so I will have to go be with my family as we revel in the festivities and merrymaking.


Emmanuel Nsengiyumva, Showbiz journalist 

I will wake up and go for prayers first thing in the morning at St Famille Church in town. I will go for the first mass in the morning, but after that, my entire day will be spent working. I will have to work because there will be a number of events to be covered on that day and they will be happening day and night, so basically this is how I will be spending my Christmas this year.