My idea of retirement
Saturday, October 12, 2019

I admire US Presidential contender Bernie Sander’s resilience. If I suffered a heart attack, I would slow down but he doesn’t appear to be doing that. His family must be worried though. I think he needs to take a break. 

Politics is not my cup of tea and I’ve always regarded it as one of the most stressful career choices. The endless campaigns to solicit new supporters, meetings, fundraisers, frequent travel, disgruntled constituents and lots of other issues to deal with. I couldn’t handle it. 

When I do eventually retire, I want to enjoy my retirement which I imagine will include many lazy days doing absolutely nothing. 

The plan is to have saved enough to live off, plus medical bills because as we all know, the older you get, the more complications you may have to deal with and I’d hate to burden my children with endless medical bills. 

My paranoid self worries about conditions like Alzheimer’s, Dementia or a heart attack. I wouldn’t know what to do with myself! 

I panic when I think my heart is beating too fast or slow and when I run out of breath, I wonder if I’m coming down with something. 

Random chest pain has me searching Google for possible causes! I’ve been to a couple of old people’s homes and hospices and I really don’t want to be committed to one when my time comes. 

Do you ever picture yourself as an old person? I do and it’s kind of scary. All these Scientists need to come up with anti-aging pills or something soon! 

Or maybe they’re already on the market and I just didn’t know! Which reminds me of something else I really need to learn to do. CPR!   Medics often stress how it can save a life and there are many step-by-step videos on YouTube and yet for some reason, I haven’t gotten round to learning to do it! 

I don’t know, I guess I’m just squeamish and honestly, I would be too distraught to administer those chest compressions if someone I know needed resuscitation. 

Back to Bernie, I think his presidential ambitions have been dealt a massive blow. While many people who suffer heart attacks survive them and go on to live long and relatively healthy lives, I think the damage is done and his bid might as well be over. 

The 78-year-old’s age and health were already an issue with some voters, which I think is a blessing in disguise. As for me and my retirement plans, I really would like to just put my feet up. 

My Mum thinks I’d go insane doing nothing and she’s probably right so maybe I wouldn’t lie in bed all day. Long walks would do me some good. I’d say smell the roses too but I don’t like flowers like that. 

I guess I’d also take my grandkids to the zoo, run the neighborhood book club, assuming my sight won’t be gone by then! 

Like I said, nothing too strenuous. I really would like to enjoy my retirement!