UR student found dead
Monday, September 09, 2019

A female student at the University of Rwanda’s College of Science and Technology was on Sunday night found dead at the university's campus in Kigali.

Sandrine Manishimwe, 21, was a first-year student.

She is suspected to have been murdered, according to university authorities.

Mike Karangwa, the university's spokesperson told The New Times that Manishimwe’s colleagues found her dead body in the college’s compound at around 9.30 pm and immediately reported to the University administration and security agencies.

"Yes, her colleagues found her body last night... we suspect that she was killed though investigations are ongoing,” he said, in a telephone interview today morning.

Manishimwe’s body is now at Kacyiru Hospital for an autopsy examination as the university continues to work closely with the Rwanda Investigation Bureau (RIB) to establish the cause of her death.

"We are waiting for the autopsy results so we can confirm what killed her,” Karangwa added.

Manishimwe was born in Huye District, Southern Province where her parents live.  Her parents are yet to arrive in Kigali.

"They were informed about the death of their daughter but they could not travel at night. The university will be with her family during this sad moment,” he said.
