Does wealth increase the odds of divorce?
Saturday, August 17, 2019

Relationship Experts and Marriage Counselors often stress that communication is the key to a lasting relationship but I’m starting to wonder if being broke isn’t the magic trick!

Think of all the celebrity marriages falling apart, the latest being Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth, both millionaires many times over. When you’re broke, there’s nothing to fight over and everything to fight for. I’ll explain.

Wealthy people have lots of money and while some will take steps to protect their assets with prenups, many just really don’t care. It’s different for your regular couple, an African one to be exact.

To get married, you usually have to enlist the help of family and friends. You’ve probably been to a wedding meeting and know the stress involved. Some last months, if not years before the couple can raise enough money to fund the wedding.

While it’s true that marital problems don’t segregate between rich and poor, the latter is more likely to work harder to resolve any conflicts because they really have no choice but to stay together.

Every time you think of walking away, you’re going to remember all those people who chipped in to give you your dream wedding, unlike the celebrity couples who pay for their own weddings.

With millions in the bank and multiple homes, while your ordinary people are lucky to have a house or even a car, it’s clear who has more to lose. Unless you’re ready to move back in with your parents, you’re going to think long and hard before calling it quits.

I may have reservations about dowry and bride price but I think traditional ceremonies where the groom and bride-to-be’s families and friends meet and exchange gifts also help keep the couple accountable, as do those Marriage Banns and Church announcements preceding the wedding.

These aren’t steps you’re going to want to do again and again.

Miley and Liam had an "intimate” wedding and many people didn’t even know they were married. It’s unlikely they organized "begging meetings” and bombarded everybody they know and even some they don’t with SMS reminders for contributions.

Their guests just turned up for the party. And you’d think they’d invite thousands of people because they can afford to! I’m a fan of small weddings too but for totally different reasons.

All that money you get to save and spend on your kids or invest in something meaningful, something celebrities don’t have to worry about.

There’s also something to be said about Miley’s public comments including how people shouldn’t expect her to stay home and make dinner.

I hate cooking too and I’m all for independent women and not letting marriage define you but you can express all that nicely and more importantly, privately with your partner.

Miley went on and on about her sexuality and this split is honestly not a surprise. Marriage and relationships are about compromise and many couples often come to an arrangement that works for them but I guess when you’re that rich, you may not care enough to compromise.