The return of high waisted pants
Wednesday, August 14, 2019

LIKE many other phased-out fashion trends, the industry has welcomed back the prodigal son of pants —high waisted pants.

High waisted jeans or formal pants should be in the wardrobe of any woman who cares about style. They look great on different body shapes depending on what you wear them with. For various occasions—parties, office, or a casual weekend— they won’t disappoint you.

What you pair your high waisted pants with determines the final look. High waisted pants look classy when worn with a tucked-in top. You can also play with proportions and wear your high waisted pants with a long jacket. This looks stylish if you keep the shirt tucked-in.

High waisted pants or trousers also go well with cropped tops or shirts. Also, try high waisted jeans with a well-fitting t-shirt.

Avoid short, bulky jackets, or cropped tops that are too revealing, and overly flared pant legs. They kill the whole appearance and make the shape of the waist look wider.

For a trendy formal look, wear button-down shirts with high waisted pants and enhance it with simple jewellery. Like most things in fashion, high waisted pants look extremely good when in the right size.

In order to bring out a girly appearance, accessorise with stylish and bold jewellery.

Lacy tops also go well with high waist pants for a sophisticated cocktail party. Printed or patterned high waisted pants will bring out a unique but awesome look.

Also, choose high waisted pants in a flowy fabric for a chic look.